Girl Meets Sneak Attack

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"And (Y/n)," I added as I walked up to the two.

"Miss McGuire," Farkle greeted me with a smile.

"Mr. Minkus," I replied, giggling as he smiled.

"There's the laugh I love," Farkle said, a dreamy look in his eyes as I blushed lightly.

Riley buzzed us in and we went up to the apartment.

"Maya, oatmeal," Mrs. Matthews said when we walked in. "You too, (Y/n)."

"No thanks, Mrs. Matthews," Maya replied as I shut the door behind us.

"Oh, I wasn't asking," Mrs. Matthews said.

"Yow," Maya commented as we sat down at the table.

"Farkle, you too," Mrs. Matthews added.

"Thank you, but my mother already made me eggs, home fries, wheat toast, marmalade, and a strawberry shaped like a star," Farkle explained.

"I'm going to the Farkles'!" Auggie announced. "Who's with me?"

"Sit down. Eat it, please," Mrs. Matthews commanded.

"But it's still this," Auggie motioned to the soggy oatmeal.

"Hey, Auggie, guess what? It's Googly time," Mr. Matthews changed the subject.

"No TV at the table." Mrs. Matthews stopped him.

"You're right, Topanga. This table is about the discussion of today's events only. Riley?" Mr. Matthews turned to her.

"I woke up. I love everything. I sat here," Riley said with a bright smile.

"All caught up. Googly time!" Mr. Matthews said, turning on the TV.

"Here comes Mr. Googly, and foogly, boogly friends," we sang before Auggie turned off the TV. "Hey!"

"I'm too old for Mr. Googly," Auggie explained.

"What?" Mrs. Matthews questioned.

"But, Auggie, Mr. Googly's your best friend!" Mr. Matthews pointed out.

"Auggie," Mrs. Matthews said, picking up Mr. Googly. "I'm your foogly, boogly best friend!"

"Can I tell you a secret?" Auggie whispered to the blue toy.

"Of course. You can tell Mr. Googly all your secrets," Mrs. Matthews continued the voice.

"I have a new best friend now," Auggie stated.

"Oh, really? Who would that be?" Mrs. Matthews asked.

"I don't want to tell you who she is."

"She?" we questioned.

"I said too much," Auggie whispered.

"Okay. Why don't you tell Mr. Googly all about your new best friend and none of us will listen?" Mrs. Matthews suggested.

"I'm this many," Auggie said, holding up five fingers. "I'm done with you now. Goodbye."

"They grow up so fast," Riley commented, as I nodded in agreement.


I was slightly worried about Riley's optimistic attitude about today. Was pessimism going to come and punch her in the face?

"I was so worried about this new school year," Riley started, facing me and Maya. "New school, new people. I didn't think I was going to survive. But not only am I surviving, I'm thriving! I'm like a plant, going like this..." Riley trailed off as she imitated a growing plant. "What was I so worried about?"

Girl Meets HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora