Chapter 5

193 11 7

(👆omg his visuals I am gonna die 😍❤️❤️)

Also bbys thank you so much for 90+ readers ,I know comparing to other seungjin ffs it's not that much but to me it means so much cuz i thought maybe i don't even gonna have 10 readers 🥺❤️ thanks again my bbys 😘😘❤️❤️ok enough talking back to the story 😊😉

"Ok Lixie hyung" Y/n said while waving her hand to Changlix and Wooyoung and they got to their car and drive away.

After that Y/n and Juliana got into the cafe

"Papa" Juliana ran to Seungmin and hugged him

"Hi baby how was the ice cream" Seungmin asked from Juliana

"It was so tasty ,papa you know aunty y/n cried because of the cold of the ice cream " Juliana said while giggling.

"Hey don't expose me like that" y/n said with a pouty face

"Hehe sorry aunty y/n" Juliana said while smiling

"Hyung , Lix hyung told me tell you that they having sleep over after the party, because of that bring some PJs .Dress is code something comfy and he said come to Jeongchan house at 6pm "y/n said to Seungmin who was at the cashier

"Oh ok, y/n can u go to house and pack clothes we need and also take Julie with you "

"Yes I can hyung but what about the cafe, how we gonna close that"

"Oh I will give the keys of the cafe to Jeno and Jaemin and tell them to close the cafe and I will come to home at like 4.30pm ,ok?"

"Ok hyung ,come baby we going home" y/n answered Seungmin and turn into Juliana

"But aunty I want to stay at the cafe because it smells good" julilana said while inhaling the coffee scent of the cafe

"Come on baby ,don't you want meet uncles and your friends" y/n asked from Juliana

"I want to meet them ,I want to meet them, come aunty y/n we gonna be late if we didn't pack the clothes , be quick" Juliana said while pulling y/n to the entrance.

"Oh my god princess minute ago you refused to leave the cafe now u want to go home" Seungmin said while chuckling.

" Before going home say bye to papa baby" y/n said to little girl who was trying to pull her out from the cafe.

"Bye papa" Juliana said still trying to Pull y/n out from the cafe

"Bye hyung see u at the home" y/n said while going out of the cafe

"Ok bye guys" Seungmin waved at two girls

Time skip

Party is over now , also everyone changed into their pjs and I didn't saw Minnie hyung for while because of that I thought I need to talk something about with boys

"Channie hyung where is Minnie hyung" I asked from Channie hyung who been cuddling with Innie hyung .

"He telling a story to babies actually he is at the Sannie's room" Sungie hyung answered before Channie hyung

"Oh ok, hyungs I also have a story to tell u guys Binne hyung and Lixie hyung already know about it" I told to everyone who was at the living room

"You gonna tell about that aren't you" Binnie hyung asked from me and I thought he already know what I am gonna talk about

"Yes hyung we need to talk about that"

"But why ,he didn't even bother to talk to us I think he already forget about us maybe he still remember about us and don't want to meet us" Lixie hyung told to me with mix of anger and sadness

"Hyung we don't know what is he planning "

"I know but" Lixie hyung cut off by Minmin hyung "what are you guys talking about I am confused ,actually we all are confused" Minmin hyung told to us

"Ok who gonna tell them about that" Binnie hyung asked from me and Lixie hyung

"I think y/n the one who should tell that" lixie said while turning to me

"Ok i will tell them ,so basically ...(you guys know happend right because of that i am not gonna tell story again:) )and that is what happened" I ended my story

"So that means Hwang fucking Hyunjin(yes i bold that 😜🤭)back and you guys saw him also he saw you guys but didn't even bother to talk to guys" Channie hyung said with suprise and anger

"What the fuck, does Minnie know about this " Innie asked from me

"No he don't because I didn't want see him getting back his depression and anxiety" I said to them ,actually at that point I felt my eyes getting blurry and tears going through my cheeks

"Don't worry y/nnie Minnie not gonna get hurt again" Sungie hyung told me while hugging me tightly .

"But what we gonna do if he come again and break Minnie hyung's heart again" I said while crying

"We will think about that as Sungie said don't worry Minnie not gonna get hurt again" Channie hyung said with his comforting voice as always it worked I stop crying because of Channie hyung's words

We heard a foot step coming to living room

"Y/n whip your tears I think it's Minnie" Innie hyung told me

He was right it was Minnie hyung

"Is babies sleeping Minnie?" Minmin hyung asked from Minnie hyung while trying to cover his worried face with a smile.

"Yes they are" Minnie hyung said with a smile face

"Ok, do u guys want coffee or something because we gonna watch movie " Channie hyung asked from us

"Hyung can u make hot chocolate not coffee" Lixie hyung asked

"Yes i want hot chocolate too" I also said

"Oh my god ,u guys are still babies is there any other people who need hot chocolate" Channie hyung asked from others

Everyone raised there hands

"Ok children then I going to make hot chocolate and honey come with me I need your help , while I make hot chocolate choose what movie we gonna watch" Channie hyung told to us while waking to kitchen with Innie hyung.

"We going to watch conjuring what you guys think" Binnie hyung suggest a movie

"No horror movies, what about FrozenII " Sungie hyung suggested

"I think it's good idea" Lixie hyung agreed with his best friend suggestion.

Everyone agreed with Lixie hyung

After like 10minutes Jeongchan came with hot chocolate

"So what we gonna watch" Channie hyung asked

"Frozen II" I answered

"Actually you guys are very childlish,I can't believe you guys are parents" Channie hyung said while giggling

"Eventhough we are parents we can watch animation and it's better than horror " lixie hyung said with a pouty face.

"Don't get sad my love Channie hyung just saying it for fun" Binnie hyung said and kissed Lixie hyung's pout

"You guys are so cute" I said while chuckling and looking at Changlix "Also Channie hyung I am not a parent" I said too Channie hyung after fangirling Changlix🤭

"But y/nnie you 20 now" Channie hyung said while smilling

"meannnnn ,and aren't we gonna watch the movie it's getting late" I said

"Yes we gonna watch that" Minmin hyung said and played frozen II

promise me that you never gonna leave me again - Seungjin (ENGLISH/✔️)Where stories live. Discover now