07D - Red

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I had to move sideways to see out of the window. The hole was crammed with writhing bodies and I wanted to see how Red was doing.

I could have tried to call out. Perhaps it would cause one or two to pause. To rethink their options and come stand by my side as a spectator rather than participant. Probably not, though. The herd majority ruled and any extraneous voices were just part of their roar.

They'd been trapped, some of them, for a long time. Those in that situation had nervous energy stored away in places they usually wouldn't notice. Going about their normal days, the energy lay dormant. When something happened, the energy awoke. It stretched out and yawned. Like Sonic the Hedgehog, it built up momentum, spinning on the spot for a few seconds before exploding forth.

I kept my silence and my place. What was the point in doing otherwise?

If not for their uniforms, the orderlies would have been indistinguishable from the residents. Order had retired for the day and its sibling, disorder, had taken its place. Dis was having much more fun.

I'd estimate about half the residents had managed to exit the room before things changed. They'd poured outside, revelling in the feel of fresh air and non-artificial heat. And space! Many had no idea what to do next. They stood and simply looked around, a delirious expression brightening their faces. Some of the orderlies had peeling from the pursuit of the proper escapee to round them up. A few allowed themselves to be led back to an area just outside the hole, where they waited, enjoying the semi freedom not being inside gave them.

Others resisted, pulling away and saying something angrily I had no way of hearing. A second grab from a staff member, more forceful, reminded them resistance was futile. The group of retainees grew steadily.

Only one patient, Adams the ex-long distance lorry driver, resisted. A sharp kick to the back of his knee and an elbow the nape of his neck left him immobile on the ground, where he could be left until things had calmed down. In another life, he'd driven past the depot and continued for as long as his full tank of fuel took him. Eventually, he'd coasted to a halt in the middle lane of a motorway. The pile up behind him left five with no further heartbeats or breaths, one without a right arm and one who had to watch as his wife of thirty years died at a similar speed to the lorry's stopping. A further three had life threatening injuries they eventually fully recovered from and seven were hurt, but not seriously.

When the authorities arrived, Adams was checking his supposed route on his mobile phone, muttering to himself that it didn't make sense. A lack of any power in his phone's battery, coupled with the resultant dead screen, wouldn't help with that.

Some residents were running after Red. Some orderlies were, too. The staff were concentrating on the initiator of the breakout, hoping, I assumed, his capture would bring the rest to heel. Unfortunately, they couldn't catch him.

He hadn't slowed since smashing through the wall, but the staff were lagging behind, their minimal energy fast being depleted. He was already past the black stump and would soon be in the copse that stood solitarily in the distance.

A sudden hush fell on the Recreation Room. All movement ceased and those still trying to get through the hole drew back. I didn't need to look to the side to know. He had a presence that filled the room to the point no-one had space to expand their lungs. He didn't steal the air, he made it so none could fit. He did it without uttering a word.

Connors walked calmly across to the new exit. The Red Sea of residents parted and he stepped through to the outside. The wave of silence and immobility rippled through every person there, regardless of their location. Finally, and quickly, Red was the only person still moving. Even Connors was stationary.

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