"Wowww.. so romantic." Sapnap chuckled again, filling a pot with water.
"Then since then you've been dating..? Cause you've had the biggest crush on each other for so long."

"Was it that obvious...?" George awkwardly giggled, rubbing the back of his ears.
"I thought he was only joking with my feelings."

"Nah- he always complained every day that he had a crush on you and wanted to see you." Sapnap put the pot on the stove, turning the heat up and waiting for it to boil.
"He asked me like every day if I know what you looked like.. he was so desperate."

George's ears perked down.
"If I didn't look like- well.. this." He pointed to his ears.
"I would have shown myself a lot more sooner."

"Well- it's understandable why you didn't." Sapnap crossed his arms, shrugging a bit.
"Cause id probably do the same not gonna lie- if I was in your position.."

"Yeah... I was scared you guys would think differently of me and hate me.." George's tail drooped down, frowning.

"Nah, we don't really care." Sapnap shrugged, a bit, putting the macaroni in the water.
"It's kinda cool to have a Cat- boy? Bestfriend?"

"Mhm... and to have a cat boy boyfriend." Dream wrapped his arms groggily around George's shoulders.
"Why are you guys awake so early.." he groaned quietly, hugging George tightly.

George jolted up, his ears smacking Dream in the face.

"Ack- and put your ears down." Dream gently pressed George's ears down.

George just softly giggled.
"Sorry- I got hungry and Sapnap is making Mac and cheese." He leaned his head back in dreams chest.

"Atleast your eating more then just sushi." Dream yawned, resting his head on the brunettes.
"It's healthy."

"I know.. I just like sushi- and tuna.. salmon- chicken- and-" George was cut off when Dream gently covered his mouth.

"We know." Dream softly chuckled, moving his hand away from George's mouth.
"Now- once your done your Mac and cheese.. are you going back to bed..?" He yawned, running his hand through his hair.

"Mhm." George lightly nodded, waiting happily for his Mac and cheese.

"It's almost done." Sapnap grumbled, third wheeling much.

"Then I'm gonna sit on the couch.. my legs hurt.." dream placed a small kiss on George's cheek before leaving, he was too tired to even think straight.

George's face heated up as Dream walked away.

"Bestfriend fucker." Sapnap grumbled, mixing the packages into the macaroni.

"SHUT UP." George snapped, his ears pinning down as he growled a bit.
"And no! We haven't had sex! Nor will we ever-" he crossed his arms, baring his fangs.

"Yeah- I don't believe that." Sapnap took the pot off of the stove, bringing it towards the island.
"Your gonna fuck at some point." He huffed, placing it down carefully.
"Macaroni is done!"

George's face was burning red at this point-
"Okay- just give me my bowl already so I can go!"

"Sheesh- okay okay.. don't get your whiskers in a knot." Sapnap grinned, grabbing two bowls from the cupboard.

George just huffed.
"You suck- and I don't even have whiskers!" He grumbled, looking down at the island.

"Whatever.. here you go princess~" Sapnap teased, placing the bowl in front of George.
"You have fun.. I'm heading to my room now." He yawned.

.: why me.. :. Cat boy AuWhere stories live. Discover now