“Hey come in” I said as I walked back to the table to sit down and eat.

“No kiss for me?” he asked as he sat down with me

I turned to look at him as I spoke “no kisses for a boyfriend who ignores me. I had that with Ben; I’m not going through that with you Cal”

He sighed before speaking “I didn’t know what to reply Amy. You want to meet up with the guy who blatantly likes you and you expect me to be fine with that! I’ve changed for you Amy. I’ve stopped texting the girls who I used to speak to, out of respect for you but yet you’re willing to meet up with Liam”

“So you chose to ignore the situation rather than tell me how you felt? We have to be honest with each other Cal. Liam is an old friend and I can’t help that he likes me! If you remember Cal I chose you! Is that not enough to show you?!” I slammed down my knife and fork onto my plate and got up from the table. I took my plate into the kitchen where I steadied myself on the counter. I didn’t hear Cal creep up behind me but I felt his strong arms around me.

“I’m sorry babe. I’ve acted childishly and I shouldn’t of. I just don’t want to imagine you being near someone who likes you as much as what I do” he whispered in my ear and then planted a kiss on my neck.

I frowned and turned round to face him “but I’m with you Cal. I don’t want to be with Liam. He is just a friend. You need to trust me”

He placed his hands on my arms “I do trust you Amy. I promise” he tilted my chin up so I was looking into his eyes “do you forgive me babe?”

I nodded as he gently kissed me on the lips. “Can I stay tonight?” he asked grinning

“Of course. Come back here after training?” I smiled

“It’s a date” he pulled me in by the hips and kissed me caressing my lips with his own. I placed my arms round his neck, deepening the kiss. All too soon it was over “I’ll see you later babe ok?”

I nodded and walked him over to the door and quickly said goodbye. Within five minutes there was another knock. Thank god Liam hadn’t come five minutes earlier! I really don’t know how either of them would cope with each other! I opened the front door to find a shuffling Liam waiting there.

“Hey Amy” he smiled genuinely as he placed a kiss on my cheek

“Hi Liam. Come in” I said as I opened the door further for him to come in. As he walked past, I closed the door I turned to face him “drink?” I asked

“Yes please. Tea would be great” he grinned at me

I nodded and went into the kitchen. Whilst I made the teas, Liam went through to the lounge. I made the teas and went through to the lounge. I sat at the other end of the sofa and passed him his tea.

“Thanks Amy”

I smiled “your welcome”

There was then an awkward silence between the two of us as we drank our teas.

“Soooooo, how’s things?” he eventually asked

“Erm yeah great. Work is busy as usual especially as it’s the last week of term so the kids are rather hyper. What about you?” I turned to ask him

“Things are good. Work is busy. I’ve been working away a lot. And I’ve met someone too” he whispered the last part

I smiled “that’s great Liam. I’m glad you’re happy”

He shrugged his shoulders “I guess I just needed someone to keep me occupied rather than thinking of someone else” he turned to look at me

I looked away “Liam, if we’re going to sort whatever happened out then you need to know that I’m with someone else now”

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