Chapter Three - The Capitol

Start from the beginning

I noticed that Finnick had a tray of something in his hands that he then put on the side table as he offered me a helping hand. I took it, feeling his strong fingers wrap around my forearm gently as he lifted me to my feet once again. I looked deeply into his gorgeous green eyes and I turned red once again as he smiled his naturally charming smile.

"If it makes you feel better, you have a great ass." He said and I laughed at that, feeling the weight of that embarrassment lift off of my shoulders.

"It kinda does." I said and I could see the slight blush in his cheeks as well. "So what did you come here for anyway?"

Finnick picked up the tray he was holding in his hands when he arrived and handed it over to me. On it was food, food that didn't have anything to so with fish or the sea. "If you're wondering, it's steak with a salad and a baked stuffed potato." Finnick told me and I could feel my mouth watering as the smell of the fresh food filled my lungs.

"Thank you." I said as I ate the potato like it was an apple, making Finnick laugh as he pulled up the chair for me to sit in but I just sat crisscrossed on the soft carpet floor so he joined me. I looked up to him and watched as he watched me eat, feeling awkward as I forgot that there was such thing as silverware.

"Don't worry, I did the exact same thing as you when I was a tribute." Finnick assured and that made me feel a little bit better but I still picked up the fork and ate normally. "You missed dinner with Casimir and Tobias."

"Oh no, what a nightmare." I said sarcastically and that made him smile and there was something so soothing about it, a softness to it that made me feel safe. "You don't have to stay, you can leave if you want." I told him, not really meaning it but Finnick shrugged and rose to his feet.

The boy walked over to the door, finally finding the button and the door slid open so silently that you wouldn't even know it was opening. He stopped in the doorway and turned to face me as I sat on the ground, feeling way smaller then him and my wet hair tied up in a half ponytail. He flashed his smile once again and his green eyes flickered in the light the shone above me. He was a very pretty man.

"We arrive at the Capitol early tomorrow morning so get up, get dressed, have breakfast, ask whatever questions you want about the games, and then you and Tobias will go through the Tribute Parade." The boy informed me and I nodded.

"Sounds fun." I said flatly.

"Get some rest Sunshine." Finnick said right before the door closed and I was cut off from the rest of the train for the night, and I wasn't sure whether I was happy about that or terrified.

When Finnick told me to get some rest, I didn't realize how hard it was going to be. I tossed and turned in that incredibly soft bed, my head sunken into the fluffy pillows, yet I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. Eventually, it got to the point where I threw my pillow on the floor and rolled off of the bed wrapped in a blanket burrito and slept on the carpet floor.

It worked, I got about an hour of sleep before the ray of sun shined right in my eyes and brought me out of my light slumber. It was weird not to be woken up by the seagulls, and for a second I forgot about yesterdays events, forgot that I was going to the Capitol, forgot about going to the Hunger Games.

I rose to my feet, stretching a little and walking into the bathroom to wash my tired face because maybe the water would wake me up. I turned on the faucet and splashed my face about five times before I felt enough energy to start my day. I slowly crept out of my room and looked down the narrow hallway that lead to the room where I was supposed to meet everyone for breakfast. I glanced over to Tobias's room but it was empty so I decided to keep going forward, besides, what was I going to do, open the door and be like 'good morning fellow human'? No, I wasn't going to do that, I've already made a fool of myself yesterday, no need to keep it going.

You Are My Sunshine // A Finnick FanficWhere stories live. Discover now