A ball? That sure sounds fancy. 

"A ball? They're that posh?" I ask quietly, earning a grin from Sam.

"Uh-huh. It happens every year. There's not been one held here yet though since we've arrived. I'm pretty sure it's usually here, in France, or in America, which is honestly kinda cool when you think about it. Imagine travelling all that way for a ball?!" Sam explains to me whilst I laugh a little at her interest.

She shrugs and leans back against the counter. She averts her focus back to the information that's been in the air all morning. "The Italian mafia is the Spanish mafia's greatest enemy. Their leader - Luciano - is Miss DeLaine's top rival. From what I heard, he's done some terrible things, and not just to her and the Spanish mafia. He's completely ruthless." Her words send chills straight through me. I could have done with not knowing that the place I'm currently at has an enemy who seems like the absolute worst person ever, with God knows what kind of abilities.

"Well, I heard Luciano killed Miss Delaine's father," Elena adds, which forces my eyes to widen. That sounds abhorrent. Entirely. I couldn't imagine being in her position. How must that have felt? 

"Yeah, I think they've had problems going on for a while now, not that I know the reasons. They never got along, and now, from what I've heard, the Italian mafia are planning to attack on Christmas. Like, the best day of the year. Apart from my birthday." Sam says, nodding as all of us look at her with fake disappointment. Her sarcasm somehow never fails to surprise me.

Elena puts her hand in front of her to stop Sam from saying anything else. "Why the hell would he plan an attack on Christmas? Must be as heartless as they can come, jeez." Completely agree. I mean, why would anyone do such a thing on Christmas? Don't they have better things to do?

With all this stuff the girls carried on talking about, like the Italians attacking the Spanish, and the many attacks both mafias experienced from one another, it got me thinking if we were safe here. Who's to say that they won't attack the manor someday? Get us all killed or something, for all I know. The others know far more than I do of their attacks, I wonder if there's ever been one that happened on the premises.

"Has there ever been an attack here at the mansion?" I ask the girls, just about when we hear chatter start to flood the dining room behind the closed doors.

"No, not that we know of at least, don't worry, we're all safe here. This place is guarded with too many guards and technology for anything to happen." Vera assured me before everyone in the kitchen started moving again, ready to start serving the final meal of the day. I listened to Vera and her words. I'm sure we're safe here, but the thought of an attack happening here that could endanger all of us did slightly mess with my thoughts.

"That's our cue!" Says Sam, snapping me out of my head with her sarcastic tone, as she turns to where she was working before. We all walk off to pick up some dishes, following the routine of serving and waiting for everyone to finish.

I made sure to listen in more closely when I was serving, to try and hear more of what was being said about this so-called "planned attack" that was gonna happen. Whilst I placed some dishes around the table in the dining room, I managed to hear a few words here and there which i actually understood.

"Miss DeLaine still said she's attending the ball with many others. The Italians can't stop her."

"DeLaine is pissed, said she'll murder him if he ruins the ball."

I heard some more things being said too, but nothing I didn't hear from Sam before dinner. Of course, these comments were only uttered before the woman herself walked in and ended all the hushed chatter. 

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