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The next day Tiger and Joey went on a trip to a mountain to climb. "Have fun and be safe." Lexi shouted from the bar to Tiger and Joey who were walking away. Rob went up to her. "Hey." He said to her. "Hi." She said back just recognising who he was.

"Bloody hell. Hey Rob." She smiled and hugged him he hugged her back. "How are you?" He asked her and sat next to her. "Alright. How are you," She asked him back. "Yea. Good thanks you know what my parents are like and Jodi." He laughed.

"God I've not seen your Jodi for ages." She smiled. "We're are your friends. They not down yet." He asked her and took a sip of his drink.

"Oh Tiger and Joey. Tigers my boyfriend and Joey's his mate who is a little bit of a dick but he is good company. They went to climb a mountain." She laughed and Lesley gave her her drink. "Thanks Lesley." She took a sip of it. "God I need a vodka and coke." She grumbled.

"Do you wanna do something today since Tiger and Joey aren't here." Rob asked her. "Yea sure. I'm a bit bored sitting round a pool doing nothing but watching Tiger trying to find the right girl for Joey."

They started walking out of the Hotel after Lexi downed her drink. "Bloody hell I am never drinking orange juice again. It tastes like burnt grass "You had half of a cup of orange juice ." They both walked out of the hotel and went to the shops to start with.

When they came out Lexi got out of her bag a bottle of Bacardi. "Are you actually gonna drink that straight." Rob asked her. "No it's for Tiger for when I tell him something I've been wanting to tell him for ages," She took a sip of it and put the bottle in her bag.

"Is that the only thing you got?" Rob asked her. "No. I got a ham salad wrap thing, chicken salad and a bottle of water. Shit. She thought. Lexi wasn't drinking because she'd just realise something.

"Are you alright?" Rob asked her. Lexi looked at him. "Nope. I'm 19 and spewing my guts up most morning for the past three weeks and I've been a raging lunatic before we came to Benidorm." They started walking.

"Are you pregnant." He asked her. Yes. "No. The last time I had sex was in July on the first week." She looked at the floor and they got back to the hotel and took their stuff up to each of their rooms. "Fuck it's the first week of June." She looked in the mirror of the bathroom in hers and Tiger's room. "Oh for fucks sake. Here's ten euros go and get me a test." She sat down in the living room on the couch and handed Rob the ten euros.


He got back half an hour later. "You were ages." She grabbed the box out of his hands and went into the bathroom. Ron was begging to remind himself what Lexi was like. She yelled at people for no reason. She always used to swear in every sentence. She used to shoplift everywhere she would go. She used to get arrested fifteen times a month.

When she came out of the bathroom she put the test on the table. "Now we wait two minutes." She sat there looking at the wall. "What the fuck do I do if it's positive. I turned nineteen two weeks ago and Tiger's twenty in October." She mumbled.

"I don't think we're ready to be parents. I mean we moved out six months ago but we moved to Leeds." She picked it up. There was only a thirty second wait.

"We'll Do what makes you feel comfortable. Your the one that's carrying it if you are." He looked at the test and picked it up out of her hands. It showed the result.

"Well congratulations Lexi Garvey you are a mother." He showed her the test. "Your having a fucking laugh." She put her head in her hands.

Later on that day at the pool bar Lexi had her head in her hands sat there for two hours. She thought about calling Tiger but she didn't from the nerves.

"Are you alright love." Liam asked her sitting next to her. "No not really." Lexi looked at him. "What's up Lexi?" Liam asked her. She sat up in her seat.

"I'm pregnant." Her fake smiled dropped. "That's amazing but you don't seem to happy about it." Liam hugged her. "No Im not I'm only 19." She laughed.

"Bloody hell. Well me and Kenneth are here if you need anything," He said to her walking away. "Thanks."

Lexi went to the local coffee place and went back to the Solana and sat on a chair. She had the test out in front of her and heard Tiger coming back.

She put it in her bag quickly and he looked confused. Lexi went up to him and hugged him. "Did you forget to put on sun cream or something your face is red." She asked him and kissed his cheek.

"Hilarious." He smiled and kissed her head. "I'll get the drinks." Lexi said.. "Can I borrow your phone quickly." Tiger asked her since his phone was dead.

"Yea sure it's somewhere in my bag." She walked away to the bar forgetting that there was a positive pregnancy test in the bag that the farther of her child was routing around in to find her phone.

Trouble In Parricide  (Benidorm)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora