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Zoe started ringing Lexi. "Who's that?" Tiger asked her. "My snake of an ex best friend." She said picking up the phone. "What?" She said in a mood. "What do you mean what?" Zoe wanted to be Lexi's best friend again into to get close to Tiger. "Te sugiero que te vayas a la mierda antes de volar de regreso al Reino Unido y meter mi pie en tu maldito cuello, serpiente." ("I suggest you fuck off before I fly back to the UK and stick my foot in your fucking neck, snake.") Lexi snapped into the phone and hung up blocking her contact.

"Lexi." Tiger went over to her and put his arm round her. "que tigre?" ("What Tiger?") She was really upset. "Shit you don't speak Spanish." She looked at him. "What's going on between you and Zoe?" He asked her. Lexi looked at him and they both sat each end of a sun bed. "So basically Zoe called be yesterday and she told me she likes you and she promised she wouldn't do this again last time it happened." Lexi wiped a tear away from her eye.

"What do you mean she wouldn't do it again?" He asked her. "Last time I had a boyfriend, she liked him, manipulated him into liking her he cheated on me yelled at me non stop and then dumped me." She was telling the truth, her ex-best friend Zoe was a bitch.

"Well I can tell you this right now. I will never cheat on you, I will never love someone the way I love you. I'm not going anywhere I'm here for the long haul." He smiled looking into her eyes. She stood up and hugged him and he hugged her back. "I love you Lexi Garvey." He smiled. "I love you to Tiger Dyke." She smiled back at him.

"It's bleeding boiling." A women moaned from behind Clive. It was Tigers Aunt Terry. "Then take your coat of." Tiger said going up and hugging her. "Then I'd have to carry it." Terry said. Tiger started to laugh. "Who are you I don't think I've ever met you." Terry asked Lexi.

"This is Lexi, Aunt Terry." Tiger put his arm round me. "Your the girl he keeps going on about. I'm Terry Dawson." Terry and Lexi shook hands. "Nice to meet you Terry." She smiled.

"Come on Tiger. You can help me with my cases, room 382." She gave him the key. "What do you want to drink Terry?" Lexi asked her. "A vodka and coke please darling." She walked over to Tiger and took his arm. "Clive?" Lexi asked him as what does he want for a drink.

"Larger please." He told her. Lexi knew what Tiger wanted and she went over to the bar. "Can I get a vodka and coke, a bottle of larger, gin 'n' tonic and vodka with lemonade." She asked Mateo. "Si." He said pulling out a bottle of larger and glasses for the drinks.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" He asked her. "Yes I do. Why do you wanna know." She put her tongue on her left cheek. "I was just wondering." The barman spoke. "Ask me again and I'll rip your balls off and glue them to your head. I'm 18 your 45." She smiled and walked off with the drinks."Like mother like daughter. She is just like that Janis las." Les laughed at him.

Lexi went back with the drinks and passed Clive his larger and Terry her vodka and coke and passed Tiger a vodka and lemonade and she got her gin 'n' tonic. "Thanks love. I'll be back in a moment I'm off to try chat up that barman." Terry walked off to the bar.

"Which barman do you think she's on about?" Clive asked Tiger. "Probably that greasy one. Thank fuck it's not that strawberry blond one that Bianca tried to go on a date with last year." Tiger looked disgusted. "Jason?" Lexi asked him. "Yea that's the one."

"Honestly he asked me on a date on facebook. I told him to fuck off otherwise I would report him for perving on a minor." Lexi laughed.

"Would you of done if you were Bianca's age." Tiger asked her. "Absolutely not. We were dating why would I cheat on you?" She asked.

Tiger was about to talk when he saw Terry falling on the floor. "Oh my god. Aunt Terry." He yelled and ram over to her with Lexi and Clive following. Terry was lying on the floor unconscious.

"What happed." Clive asked. Mateo walked over and picked up the lemon that he threw Terry in the face with. "I think this lemon fell from that lemon tree and hit her in the face." He mumbled. "I'll go get an Ice pack." Lexi said and ran to the bar to get an ice pack.

"What happened.What happened to me." Terry turned her head left and right mumbling. Lexi walked back over with an ice pack. "Hello there. Who are you. Your fit as." Terry slurred looking at Mateo.

"She is hallucinating." Tiger pulled a face. "You have been hit in the face with a lemon. If you are feeling anything can you describe your symptoms?" Mateo asked her. "Well for a start off, my auntie mary is twitching like a rabbits nose." Terry slurred.

"Yep she's fine." Clive said with him and Tiger helping her up. "Mateo I want Mateo." She winded as we walked over to were we were sat. Lexi passed Clive the ice pack and he put it on her eye.

"She'll be okay, you two go do something rarther then being stuck here with us all day." Clive told them both. "What do you want to do?" Tiger asked Lexi. "Anything I'm not fussed. My Nana, dad, Micheal and mum gave me euros. So right now I have like three thousand euros." Lexi told Tiger.


"Be back in a minute, mother's calling me." Lexi said to Tiger and went outside of Neptune's.

Janis: Hiya darling
Lexi:Hey mum
Janis: How are you?
Lexi:I'm alright I miss you,  your all six thousand miles away.
Janis: Do you want me to fly over to Benidorm?
Lexi: No stay in Vegas I'll be fine.
Janis: What are you doing tonight then
Lexi: Later I think i'm gonna go get absolutely hammered.
Janis: Well be careful alright, your farther says hello
Lexi: Tell him I love him
Janis: Alright i will. Love you bye
Lexi: Love you to mum.

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