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Later on in Neptune's Lexi went up to her Nana. "Do you fancy doing a song Nana?" Lexi asked Madge. "Yea. Yes I will Lexi." She hugged her. Lexi went up to Tiger and Joey. "I'm gonna spend the night with my Nana since she is flying home at 1am I'll be back in the apartment when she gets to the airport." Lexi said and walked off back to her Nana.

After they did the song Lexi and Madge went outside and sat by the pool in the dark but there were lights obviously. "So Lexi, I think you found the one for you." Madge said looking at her.

"Thanks Nana." Madge put her head on Lexi's shoulder. They both sat there talking for four hours. It was now midnight. "Well I better get going. Cant miss my flight." Madge sat back on her scooter and rode off.

Lexi went back to her apartment and saw Tiger sat on the sofa with his head in his hands. Lexi ram over to him and she hugged him tightly. She wrapped her arms around him not letting go she didn't care if he didn't want her to see him cry.

Neither of them said anything, they sat there for twenty minutes. "Hey. It's gonna be okay." She whispered and kissed Tigers head. He looked up at her and his eyes were red and puffy. Tears streaming down his face.

"What wrong?" Lexi asked Tiger. "It's my parents. They got a divorce." He stood up and looked around the room. "Hey. It'll be okay." Lexi stood up as well. "How do you know?!" Tiger snapped at her. She didn't care.

"Shit I'm sorry." He looked at the window with his head in his hands. Lexi walked back over to him and hugged him again. "Come on." She mumbled and walked into  the bedroom with him. He sat on the bed and Lexi changed into shorts and a sports bra and got into bed with Tiger.

He laid his head ok her chest and cried a bit more. She played with his hair and wrapped his arms around him and fell asleep.

Authors Note:
Sorry it's a bit short and sorry it's been so long for this part.

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