Snake pit

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Y/N blinked and rubbed his eyes at the sight before him. A lady with yellow eyes, a snake tail and revealing clothes that looked more like armour.

???: What are you doing here traveller?

Y/N: Oh .... uhhh. We're just leaving ma'am.

Cassiopeia: Oh please, call me Cassiopeia.

Y/N: Very well then Cassiopeia. Then you may call me Y/N. And me and my friends here are just leaving.

Y/N turned to leave but Cassiopeia had her snake tail coiled around Y/N.

Cassiopeia: Not yet. I see you have befriended the Void Burrower. That is impressive I must say. But if you wish to make it out here alive, prove yourself in a fight to the death.

Y/N quickly broke away from her tail and held his hands out.

Y/N: Woah woah woah woah. Listen, Cassiopeia, you seem really nice so I don't really want to fight you.

Cassiopeia: Don't worry darling. You will be fighting my servants.

Y/N: Oh. Phew! Ok thats good. So are they like a butler or a chef or something easy? I'm not use to fighting because I've never had to use these to harm anyone.

Y/N points at his razor edged teeth.

Cassiopeia: You will see. You will see. Come, follow me! I will give you half an hour until your battle for I am so gracious.

Y/N mumbled beneath his breath.

Y/N: And humble too.

Cassiopeia: Quiet boy! Now, down this corridor is your battle arena. Be there in half an hour or I will never guide you out this tunnel.

Cassiopeia turned to leave but quickly turned around as though she remembered something.

Cassiopeia: Oh, and boy. Make this fight entertaining.

With that, Cassiopeia left the three alone. Y/N quickly turned to them.

Y/N: Ok, battle strategies. Go!

The three sat in a circle with their hands on their heads trying to think of some idea. Some ideas were to eat the servants but Y/N felt as if eating another human was cruel and heartless so that option was crossed off. Another idea was to dig their way out but after a couple seconds, Y/N realised it would only be a matter of time before Cassiopeia realised and came after them. By the time the 30 minutes were up, no good strategies had been thought of.
Y/N got up and cracked his back.

Y/N: Wish me luck guys. No seriously, wish me luck because otherwise I'll probably die. Heck, I have a 99% chance of dying!

Y/N walked down the corridor until he entered a giant underground colosseum with him in the fighters pit. It was as if he was at the bottom on an antlion hole but the predator was the one that was out the hole. Sat on a perch high above him was none other than the cobra commander Cassiopeia.

Cassiopeia: Welcome my loyal subjects to the coiling colosseum where we are the ones who decide who is worthy or unworthy. Today's prey is Y/N who ventured from above ground.

There were a couple hisses from the crowd.
Y/N looked up and saw that the audience were all snakes. They surely would ravage on his body the second he fell. Ravage .... Y/N felt like he had said that somewhere else.

Cassiopeia: Release the fighters!

A door slowly lifted itself open and out crawled a hundred snakes that flooded over the floor. They were all packed at one end of the arena while Y/N had the other end.

Cassiopeia: Let the fight begin!

Quickly, the snakes all rushed over to Y/N who did his best to try step on every one of them. It may not have been a clean or quiet fight but at least it got the job done.

Cassiopeia: Round one complete.


Suddenly, Y/N heard a roar as something large and brown came slithering through the gate.

Cassiopeia: I give you Manasa the Snake Titan!

Y/N: Titan?!?!

Suddenly, a huge brown cobra bursted into the colosseum arena and gave a loud roar-like hiss Y/N gulped and stepped back a bit. Before Cassiopeia could commence the battle, Manasa threw themselves at Y/N who quickly dodged it.

Y/N: This feels highly unfair!

Cassiopeia: Do you wish to give up?

Y/N: Can I have a lawyer?!

Cassiopeia: No but you are allowed one ally to help you.

Y/N: Oh thank God. Rek'Sai! Get in here.

Rek'Sai came rushing into the room and stood intimidatingly at Manasa.

Y/N: It's a tag-team battle so I need your help. We need to rush Manasa at the same time or we'll be wiped out.

Rek'Sai clicked and dove underground while
Y/N rushed at Manasa. Rek'Sai's fin was closing in on Manasa when she suddenly burst through the ground and knocked Manasa into the air. Y/N clenched onto Manasa's tail and climbed up their body. Once he got to where the head was, Y/N went to the frill and bit into the neck part of it. Manasa screeched and collapsed to the floor. A purple essence lingered around the bite mark but Y/N payed no attention. Instead, he wiped the taste off snake away from his mouth. Whilst all this happened, Cassiopeia did a slow clap.

Cassiopeia: Brilliantly done Y/N and ally. You may go back now ally.

Rek'Sai retreated back to Boulder and Y/N stared directly at Cassiopeia.

Y/N: Now Cassiopeia! We had a deal. Lead me and my friends out this crypt alive.

Cassiopeia: Oh my dear boy. Did you think that was the end? There is one more challenger you must face.

Y/N: AGAIN?! I just beat the Snake Titan thingy.

Cassiopeia: Do not sulk, your death will come quickly after this battle started. But I suppose you may wish to spend these last moments of your pitiful life with your friends. I will give you 5 minutes and not a second longer.

Y/N quickly rushed to Rek'Sai and Boulder, explaining that he had one more round (hopefully) to complete before they were able to get out. Before he knew it, the 5 minutes were up and Y/N was being dragged into the colosseum again by his own body. He looked up to the perch where Cassiopeia was sitting. She wasn't there. Y/N looked into the crowd and only saw snakes. Slowly, the door creaked open and once Y/N saw the challenger, his eyes widened.

His final opponent, was Cassiopeia herself.

The Journey through Runeterra (League of Legends x Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin