Chapter 2: Storybrooke

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|| A/N: I wrote Torn a long time ago, I think 6 years ago now. This story is based on it so there are times where I've copied text but changed it a little bit to fit this character. ||

It was Monday morning and I was sitting with Henry, in Granny's Diner. Honestly, I think that Granny's was the only decent thing to do in this whole town. But, that could just be because my best friend, Ruby, works in it. The rest of the town was boring. There was the library, the school, shops and, worst of all, the broken clock tower that hadn't moved as long as I can remember. Henry's mother, Regina, was the mayor of the town and I had been babysitting her son since she adopted him. We grew very close, he was like the brother I never had. I don't have any family, I'm alone and I've always been alone. Regina took me in after she noticed that Henry and I had gotten very close. Henry always read the same storybook over and over again, it fascinated him because he believed it was more than just a book, that every story actually happened. I can't say for sure that he's right, because it sounds crazy. But, I can't say that he's wrong. The town was a little off but it might just be because it's a small town, and small towns always seem like they're hiding a big secret. Also, it would make this town more interesting if we were all magic characters from fairytales. We had spent a lot of time together trying to figure out who everyone was. He says he's not in the book because he's adopted, but I should be in it somewhere. We just couldn't figure out who I was. Part of me hoped he was right because that would mean that there's more than just this life: school, work, repeat.

"We should probably be heading to school, Henry. Ms. Blanchard will be upset if you're late again." I said to him, he was sitting across from me in our booth.

"Okay, just give me a second," He replied, finishing the page he was reading. A few minutes later he had finished.

"Okay, let's go." He closed the book and slid it into his backpack. "Bye, Granny." He said as we reached the door.

"See you later, Granny," I said and waved goodbye. We left the diner and headed to school.


After school ended, I walked Henry to Archie's for his therapy session. "I'll see you later," I told him and started walking down the street. When I was walking, I came across Gold's Pawn Shop. Granny's is the only thing in this whole town, other than Gold's shop. No one, not even Henry knew I came to the shop every Monday and Tuesday. I didn't want Regina to find out because she hated Gold, he was a little sketchy but Regina can be too. I always came and worked here while Henry was in his sessions. I don't know why I liked this little shop, I guess it's because of all the weird trinkets in here. Some of them were very mysterious, and it made me curious to learn more. The extra pocket money didn't hurt too.

I walked into the shop and opened the door, causing the bell to ring. "Hello, Dearie. Back again so soon? Is it already Monday?" Mr. Gold asked from behind the counter and I nodded.

"What can I do for you today?"

"The floor is getting dusty." Gold said looking at some papers on the counter. "You can start with that."

"Sure thing," I said and walked over to the broom and dustpan. I started to sweep the shop, and after 10 minutes I was done. "What now?" I asked. Mr. Gold looked around for a moment.

"The, uh, customer records. You can sort through those and make them more... organized." He said still looking down and pointing his finger randomly in the air, not really caring what I did. I came to the shop so often and for an hour each time, that I had already organized the shop and had everything in it memorized. Before I knew it, it was five minutes until Henry's session was almost over.

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