It didn't even take a second for Jungkook to be roughly thrown to the floor, neck pinned down aggressively by Karma's dangerous hand and murderous eyes.

He's completely livid.

"You listen and listen good," Karma snarls and gets to his face, "You will respect V. She may be fucking annoying to you but if it wasn't for her, Taehyung or myself wouldn't be who we are now. There is a reason she is the way she is, and it's to protect Taehyung from trauma since that's her role, not by choice. Now if you don't like her, than that's fucking okay but don't bad mouth about her while she's the one that keeps us safe from the darker side of Tae's memories!"

Jungkook instantly panics and shakes his head, "K-Karma please I was just not well and was so frustrated. Besides, weren't you his protector? Not her?"

"Not his trauma holder," Karma growls angrily slow, "I deal with the guns, she deals with the rest when she's not in through that door where me and Taehyung can't enter. Taehyung has managed to reach her while I was getting tortured in which I can barely fucking remember because it became too fucking much for me as a protector!"

Jungkook lips are wobbling now but Karma was not done, and only continues, "You don't want to know what she has seen or experienced what they do to Tae that she still keeps it from me because she fronts when that happens, letting it be her suffering very single damn day as she goes through that door of misery. I don't know most of Taehyung's life, let alone does he know himself. She took hits much tougher than me and she is one strong woman who looks after her system because of everything she experienced herself, that broke her down so severely yet she still manages to try to keep Tae happy to not feel like spaces in his life are so empty. So if I hear you disrespecting her again, let alone Taehyung, best believe a bullet will go through your skull without a blink of hesitation, do I make myself clear Jungkook?"

The ravenette stares at him with tears glistening his eyes and he nods, getting the message completely without being told twice.

Karma lets go of him angrily and goes to his bed, laying down and closing his eyes, "Just because you're frustrated gives you no excuse to lose your grip. You're better than that," He mutters to him and lets out a heavy sigh, "We are a system. You may not have to like all of us, but we do exist. You must accept all of us as a whole with respect, that's all Tae wants. That's all we want."

Jungkook frowns deeply, rubbing his neck before crawling towards Karma and to his bed, hesitantly holding tight to his body, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be fucking weak now," Karma mutters bitterly, "You have a spine, use it, and not because I'm telling you to but for yourself.

As odd as it sounds, that gave Jungkook some sort of closure of his grip. He's been in here for so long that he began to lose his mind, who he was. He can't let these four walls be his enemy, but now his strength.

He has to be strong.

For himself.


Jimin stands anxiously in front of the room that he stormed out of a few moments ago, feeling a little more anxious than usual.

This fight wasn't different than the other ones, but doesn't make it any less aggravating. This time Mrs. Kim told him off to talk to each other, threatening to not give them anymore cookies.

That was definitely a little nudge for Jimin.

So he hesitantly open the door, seeing Namjoon with head planted to the table and fingers digging through his now purple mullet hair. Jimin's heart sway to the stressful deep breathes that would escape his lips so he gently closed the door and strides towards him.

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