Book Twenty-seven: exciting return

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   "What do you even see in her? I honestly don't get it."

   "Every man has his spec, no matter how odd it is. For me, I love my women dark and Rylee," he sent her a very flirtatious wink, throwing his head back and laughing when her cheeks redden, even though she was trying to play it cool. I can never understand this two, never. It always amaze me the kind of love they possess. They loved each other to madness, yet would never hold each other back. Most of their relationship was spent apart from a distant, but it only made their love stronger. They could go two years without seeing each other and yet not cheat or let their attention stray away from each other. They would still kiss and have mind-blowing sex like they were never apart. I can never fully understand or get to that level of trust and love with Rominic.

And they never admit to dating.

   "Nicky, little brother," she said with a mischievous smirk, eyeing him mockingly. Rominic returned her smirk and mischievous glint with a wicked grin of his own.

   "Rylee, goat sister, nice to see you again," he said sarcastically. Her smile dropped. It took just a little for him to upset her. "So, how did your baby making go while I was away? Bad, wasn't it?" Something flickered in Rylee's eyes, briefly but I saw it. She kept her mouth pinned which was so not Rylee like. I think Rominic understood that something was off because his wicked grin fell into a concern one. She is his sister and twin after all. "Lee, you okay?"

   "Don't bother, she won't share. I've been trying to get her to spill but she won't," Phineas sounded annoyed even if he looked absolutely calm. Time to end this awkward silence.

   "Rylee, I'm taking over the gala preparation, no buts," I spoke firmly, "and I really need to get some alone time with the guys, I miss them... And before you make any comment, Beau, yes, Ferris would be there, I would dress as hot as I wish to and he is married. No objection." I stood up and scurried out of the living room. Rominic chased after me to continue the argument. When it comes to Ferris, we always fight. In the past, I would give in, but not anymore.


   "No, I'm not doing that, Beau, not ever again. I will not abandon my friends to be with you alone because you are afraid one would take me away from you. They are my friends, Beau, and they remain that. If you can't deal with it, then maybe we shouldn't be a couple after all. Relationship is about trust, mutual one. I trust you and you should too, if not, this relationship won't work. Why can't we be like Phineas and Rylee? They are so in sync and love each other like crazy. I know we can never be like them but can we at least try? If not for anything, for our love to be eternal... Okay, we are eternal because if you leave me this time, I'll murder you and go to jail..."

   "Lavender!" I flinched, jumping up in surprise at how loud he shouted. "Jesus Christ! Don't always assume my next statement base on the past. I don't plan on stopping you from meeting your friends, I was only going to say that before you go," he took in a deep breath and smirked, "I'm painting you with my cum, and you are not going anywhere without my name signed to your forehead." He rolled his eyes with a playful smile while I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to stop myself from blushing, woefully.

   "Can I be paint with cum too!" Oh shit. I looked at Jewels standing at the door, jumping and clapping in excitement. I raised a smug brow at him. He groaned. This was a him problem, not mine. No one told him to say that out loud. I laughed as I walked towards the bathroom, happy that for once, we didn't fight over Ferris. Wait till he hears this. I still remember the bet we made. The day me and Nic go without fighting over him or me submitting, he would wear Anna's bikini and twerk in a crowded bar.

Evil moment here.

Rominic's viewpoint

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