Chapter 2

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"Are you now a rich boy? Buy me a beer at The Church, handsome fellow," Jedi joked, slinging an arm over my shoulder. The Church was the only tavern in our tiny village, and although it did not have the best drinks in the world, the bar was always filled with warmth and laughter. But that's besides the point.

"Bring me a shot of whiskey first, Jeddiah," I laughed, pushing him off me. "You look half drunk already. Let's go, boys."

The group got up and followed me, unnaturally silent as we headed down the hill and stalked through the village, the boys arraying themselves around me as we plunged into the night, each step bringing us closer to the execution of our dastardly deed. We slipped through a large hole in the back garden, our breaths catching at the sight of our destination.

The Chungus Mansion was a building to behold. Great oak beams inlaid with delicate scrollwork rose up from the ground to support a large, spacious archway, Passing under that, we reached a garden full of exotic plants that were scattered around the area, while a brook bubbled and flowed by the neat pathways snaking through the flower beds, we stopped to observe the statue of gilded bronze in the courtyard. Shining in the moonlight, a phoenix spread its wings, its head raised in triumph. Each minute detail had been done with such precision that it could almost pass for the real thing. We stared as its eyes glared at us dark, imposing.

"And dead as stone," I whispered under my breath, as we hurriedly moved away from the garden into the house.

The door to the mansion was just as elaborate: rice paper screens painted with cherry blossoms, swirling and dancing in the air. As we passed by the path that was flanked by rows of candles, we slowly pulled open the door to reveal the waiting area. A high ceilinged room with bamboo trees twisting, coiling around each other to form the walls. In the centre of the room there was a majestic tree standing, its branches stretching high up to the glass ceiling. As we continued past it, a voice echoed from the hallway,

"Hello? Is anyone there?" a frail quavering voice intoned. We froze. The butler of the Chungus Household. Of course, we had forgotten to factor him into our plan. Silently, we slipped behind the tree, pressing ourselves close to its huge trunk, breathing in the smell of bark. We could hear the butler now as his footsteps echoed towards us, closer and closer. I could hear his ragged breathing and smell the overpriced cologne grow stronger as he approached.

I scrunch my eyes shut. It was over, our discovery was imminent. Our knees were weak and our arms were heavy. A bead of sweat trickled down my brow and down my cheek, landing on the ground with a faint plop. It would be over before we had even started.

However, as he was about to reach us, a voice echoed from an upstairs room, so loud that I swore the bamboo trees shivered as the noise reverberated through the room.

"Butler, you useless creature, my bath water is cold again. Fetch me new water, at once!" The voice of Big Chungus echoed across the house, shaking leaves from the trees. "Make haste, you old man! I need my bath water and I need it now!"

The sound of footsteps receding and the smell of the cologne with it. I released a shaky breath. Now, our plan will truly begin...

Following the butler from a distance, we soon managed to locate the showers, judging by the steam emitting from the room, it looked like Big Chungus had gotten his hot water, but now, he would also be getting some companions to enjoy it with him. I sniggered as I slowly pulled the box from my bag and with the grace of a stage person, popped open the lid with a flourish. In a moment, they were out, scurrying into the steamy room, one, two, three, too many blue tails to count. We slowly stepped away, hiding ourselves in a dark room adjacent to the showers.

Jedi held up his fingers in a countdown. One. Two. Three.

And with that, a high shrill scream issued from the showers, causing us to break out into mirthful giggles uncontrollably. Suddenly, we spotted the target himself, Big Chungus, clad in a bathrobe jumping out of the showers, screaming and squealing as he failed his arms around, lizards flying out of both sleeves. Squealing like a pig for his father, Big Chungus ran off, his ugly sobs being heard in every room of the house. We grinned at each other. Success.

Now, we could claim the spoils of our victory. Each person would take a floor, and take the choicest loot for themselves. Logically, because I did most of the grunt work, I would have the richest plunder, the Mayor's room. He was out for a few weeks on a trip overseas, and a few missing trinkets wouldn't hurt him. After quickly making a trip upstairs, I slid into the mayor's room, admiring the smooth teak table that occupied a quarter of the room. The walls of the room were adorned with rows upon rows of books, and a large ornate seal sat on the table, ready for the taking. However, as I reached out for it, I felt a tingle in my right hand- the hand with a star.

I snatched my arm back, pulling off my glove. The star was glowing brighter than ever, to the point where it lit up the room in a silvery light. It pulsated with a growing energy, almost painfully so. The scroll sat there calmly with no reaction to my growing problem. As I tried to suppress my yelps, I heard someone coming up the stairs. Panicking, I grabbed the scroll and made a mad dash to the window. I attempted to push open the window panes, but they wouldn't budge, much to my horror and trepidation. I pulled desperately as the footsteps grew and as they drew nearer, I heard the door knob turn. My head swiveled around slowly, eyes widening as the Mayor, Small Chungus himself, entered the room. My thoughts raced rapidly. He was supposed to be out for three weeks! What was he doing in here?

"I got you," Small Chungus snarled, his eyes ablaze as he snapped his fingers, a lick of flames arising from his palm. "How would you like a taste of your own medicine?"

As he swept his arm out, an inferno burst forth, so close that the tips of my hair were singed and my lips cracked from the heat. When I raised my hands to shield the wave of fire that swept forth, I was blasted from the window. I felt the scroll shrivel and burn up, curling in on itself like a dead leaf reduced to wisps of ash, floating in the cool night air...

I plummeted down, down, down, crashing into the rough pavement, sending loose rocks and gravel flying across the garden. A hot liquid gushed out of my head, clouding my eyesight with splotches of red. I felt the darkness, eating away at the corners of my vision slowly as I gave in to the sweet oblivion of sleep. I felt a pair of rough hands grab me.

"Throw this bastard in the river..." I heard Small Chungus grumble faintly. Strangely, the thought of my life ending didn't register, not even when I felt ice cold water enveloping my person. As I was swept along with the current, a sharp pain pulsed dully my head and my mind went blank. I felt the current, gentle and warm as a caress...

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