"You were right", Dontay said.

"There are traces of chemicals found in your everyday household products. They are definitely the cause of her illness. The amounts are small which is why she did not die thankfully but it's been going on for over a year, and it's causing severe damage over time", Kisara said.

"That explains the seizure", I said.

"Her body can't take much more of this, her organs are extremely close to failing, actually any day now. Even though you caught this...we are still not out of the woods. I already requested that she get treatment a few minutes ago. Let's pray we are not too late", Kisara said. 

"I do that every day. I'm worried that if she does this to Clara, she might be doing this to others."

"Why do you think that", Dontay asked.

"She said she works in a senior home and that she lost a few of them, sort of joked about it actually. I have a feeling they didn't die of natural causes."

"Shit. This is some serious stuff", Dontay said. 

"It is. You guys take care of Clara. I have to go, please keep me updated."

"We will", he said. 

With the results in hand, I rushed over to the courthouse where I saw Logan waiting for me outside. 

"What's the results", he asked. 

"Positive. She's poisoning her."

"What kind of sick person does that?"

"A monster."

We went to speak to a judge Logan went to school with.

"Brice, long time no see", Logan said.

"I'm sure I saw you a few days ago Logan."

They both shared a laugh.

"On a serious note, we need your help. I need a warrant to search a house", Logan said. 

"I can't help you just because I know you Logan."

"We know that", I said. "I have evidence right here. There is a woman who is purposely poisoning her daughter for the past year. She uses household products in her cooking and gives them to her. I ate one and was immediately sick from it. We need to get into that house to see what she is using. I fear her daughter is not the only victim, She works at a group home for elders and well...she doesn't seem too sad about their passing."

Brice quickly took out a pen.

"I know I have to be unbiased but anyone would want something like that to stop. I'm granting you the warrant, I better hear you guys put an end to this."

"No problem."

We quickly arrived at Clara's home. It looked like any other home on the outside.  

"I'm calling for backup", Logan said. 


We went to the door, Logan knocked. 

"Mrs. Marshall?"

No answer.

"Mrs. Marshall, can we have a word please? This is the police."

Still no answer.

He tried the doorknob, it was locked of course. 

"Let's see if there is a window I can get into."

We walked around to the back of the house until we found a window that was open. The smell of chemicals hit our noses. 

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