Chapter 4 : Meeting Niall

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The next morning, which was a Saturday, I decided to go back to the moon pool. It was like I was drawn there. I walked downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing some breakfast as I decided to tell my mum about my plan.

"I'm going swimming this morning, is that okay?" I said, brightly. I poured some orange juice in a small cup. "I'll be back before noon."

"I suppose so," mum told me, as she drank her morning coffee. She stood and put her empty cup in the sink. Kissing my forehead, she said, "I'm off to work, Jess. I'll see you later tonight."

I waved as she left through the front door. My mum was always busy with work. She was a lawyer and worked long hours, hardly having time for herself and my little brother. My little brother, Jon, was currently at my grandparents house. They had wanted to spend some time with him before they left to America because of my grandfather's new job. With my brother away, my mum had a little bit of free time.

I finished drinking my juice, ran back upstairs to my bedroom and changed out of my pajamas. I quickly slid on some shoes and again bolted down the stairs, walking through the front door. I locked the door behind and ran to the canal. I looked cautiously around before diving into the water.

Within seconds, I transformed into a mermaid. As I got my tail, I slapped my fin in the water and quickly torpedoed towards Mako Island and the moon pool. Water bubbles surrounded me as I made it to the underwater cave entrance of the moon pool. I slowed down and gracefully swam inside the pool.

As I surfaced, I saw another person and instantly assumed it was Taylor without even looking.

"Taylor, hi" I said as I started to look at who it was. It wasn't Taylor; It was her cousin, Cleo. She was a mermaid! I couldn't believe my eyes. "Cleo, um, hello," I stammered.

"Hello Jessica," she smiled. She moved towards me. "How are you?"

I still couldn't believe Taylor's cousin was a mermaid. I mean it had made sense because of how much she appeared to know about Mako Island and the magical moon pool. "You're a mermaid," I said, still awestruck.

"Yes and so are you." Cleo simply agreed.

I nodded, "This is just so surprising. I just can't believe it."

"I know it's hard to believe." Cleo told me. "Most things that happen are."

"This is why you know so much about the island," I thought aloud. "This all makes sense now. How did it happen?"

"Similar to you, I suppose. I was here with two friends under the full moon." Cleo remembered her whole transformation. It was similar to what had happened to me, two days previous.

"Must've been such a surprise for you." I said, thinking about what happened.

"Surprise?" Cleo pointed to her tail, "One day, your a normal teenage girl, and the next your this, a mermaid."

"It is really that bad?" I asked.

"No, it's like all the best feelings in the world all rolled into one. It's wonderful. You feel as if you can do anything and nothing can stop you. It makes you feel so special." She smiled proudly, when suddenly it turned into a small frown. "Then everything becomes about keeping the secret and you don't know who to trust, so you don't trust anyone. It was us versus the world."

My mouth was open. "How do I know who to trust?"

"You'll have to look at their character and how they treat you." Cleo told me. "You'll know who you can and can't. If you can't trust them, don't tell."

"Okay," I nodded.

Suddenly the water in the pool bubbled. Somebody was coming. Cleo looked towards the entrance as a blonde mermaid surfaced. She grinned as she swam next to Cleo. I watched as the other mermaid rested her elbows on the rock near the edge of the pool.

"Rikki," Cleo began, "I'd like you to meet Jessica." She motioned towards me, gracefully.

I waved, "Hey."

Rikki looked at me in awe. She couldn't believe and I was just as surprised that she was a mermaid.

"Hi," she said, "I'm Rikki."

"Nice to meet you."


Later that afternoon, Rikki invited me to the cafe that she owned. I walked the canal until I saw the cafe. It was a small building with palm trees surrounding it. I walked inside and heard to find a woman singing an uplifting tune on a small stage. I looked towards the counter and spotted Rikki. She walked out to me and sat me at a table in the corner of the cafe.

"What do you think?" Rikki questioned.

"I like it," I gushed as she handed me a menu. "This place is awesome." I glanced over the menu and choose a smoothie.

"Would you like anything?" Rikki asked taking out a pad of paper and a pencil.

"Sure. A mango smoothie." I said.

"I'll get that right out." Rikki said. I pulled out my wallet. "It's on the house, mer-friend."

"Thank you," I told her as she walked back to the counter to make my smoothie.

I watched her put gloves on and prepare the drink when suddenly, the cafe became busier. There was a stampede of teenage girls that rushed through the door. It seemed as if hundreds of teenagers were now in the cafe. I looked around to see what the commotion was. I didn't see anything.

Rikki walked towards me with my drink and set it on the table. "Thanks again, Rikki."

"No problem." She smiled, as she turned away from me towards the crowd.

It was then that I noticed that with the smoothie was a small note. Written on it was two phone numbers. One was Cleo's and the other was Rikki's. At the bottom, in messy handwriting, were the words, 'For mermaid tips and emergencies.' I smiled at the note and put it in my pocket.

I sipped on the drink, when all of a sudden, a boy sat next to me. At first I didn't recognize who it was, then it hit me. It was Niall from One Direction. Oh. My. Gosh.

"Can I sit here?" He asked me with a shy grin.

"Yeah, no problem." I wanted to fangirl so bad but, decided to play it cool. I literally didn't know what to say. "Um, what's up?"

Niall chuckled at my awkwardness. "The lads and I are doing some shows here, love."

He called me love. I was going to cry out of happiness. "Cool," I smiled, probably with too much happiness.

Niall sipped his smoothie, "Thanks for letting me sit here, um, what's your name, love?"

"It's Jessie," I proudly told him.

Then, Niall told me something I didn't expect. He practically blurted it out. "I like you," he said.

It was unexpected. How could he know he liked me? We had just met, not even two minutes ago. I was kind of shocked, though that's putting it lightly. I was extremely shocked. "You like me?"

"I know it's kind of sudden," he said, "Want to hang out later? We can meet at the docks."

This was too weird. Not thinking, I replied, "Absolutely." How could I refuse a date with Niall Horan?

"See ya then." He smiled, standing up and leaving the cafè. Niall Horan, actually, liked me.


I am slowly rewriting this book. The plot will not change. I am just updating it with better grammar and more detail. Thanks! - Jamie Patrick

REWRITTEN ON: December 21, 2016

Mermaids *A 1D and H2o FanficWhere stories live. Discover now