Start from the beginning

"What the fuck Brooklyn?" I pushed Brooklyn off of me.

"You fucking idiot." Misha cursed at Brooklyn as Alana cleared her throat and eyed the duo from the bathroom door.

Alana rubbed her eyes before blinking softly, "What is happening?"

"We're kidnapping your fiancé." Brooklyn stated truthfully and I snapped my head to Brooklyn in annoyance.

"What?" I asked.

"Bachelor Party." Misha stated before pulling me out of the bed by my arms. I yanked at my arms to escape her hold but she was absolutely way too strong. Brooklyn popped up from the ground and stuffed my feet in my slippers before they gripped my ankles.

"Babe!" I called out for Alana but she ignored me and crawled into the bed.

Alana yawned before fluttering her eyes at me. "Have fun, Francesca, if you fuck any other girls I will find out and kill you.

"You're just gonna let them kidnap me?" I asked as I fought against them midair.

"Yes, baby, be safe." Alana rolled over and buried underneath the covers.

I used my weight to swing them into the wall. "Fuck, Francesca."

"Let me go!" I yelled. "I don't want to go!"

"Yes you do." Brooklyn and Misha both said at the same time and I screamed.

"Everyone knows that we're kidnapping you, so shut it." Brooklyn barks at me and I attempted to kick them in their face.

"I'm trying to sleep." Alana grumbles and a pillow landed on top of me.

"Angel!" I groaned as they brought me into the hallway and carried me down the hall and into the garage.

Bea, Lexi, and James all were standing half dressed and smiling like a bunch of psychos. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Bea! I know this is your doing." I screamed.

"Yeah, sorry, but you know me." Bea shrugged before stepping close to me. "I also knew you were going to put up a fight because you don't like surprises."

"Y'all are assholes." I stated and Bea rolled her eyes.

"This may cause a little headache." Lexi said as she stepped up.


A wet cloth covered my mouth and I screamed in outrage. This was their worst idea yet and I was under no circumstances gonna do this. No absolutely not.

They did not chloroform me.

The realization that I they were chloroforming me was the most irritating inducing thing that I've ever experienced. They couldn't actually be doing this, I didn't want to believe this. It wasn't a dream and they did force me to inhale the chloroform and after five minutes of fighting against the tiredness in my veins, I relented and passed out.

I don't know how long it took but I woke up on an airplane strapped in my seat with a sore neck. Once my vision focused on the scene in front of me I glared at my group of friends and bodyguards. Bea, Brooklyn, Lexi, James, Delphi, and Misha all relaxed thoughout the plane. They seemed to be having the best time of their lives.

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