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"He was forcing you to do it."

"I don't care." I whisper. "I will never forgive myself for what I did to you. Never."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Brooklyn murmurs before taking back her hand.

We sit there for a moment and I can't help but close my eyes and remember why I hate my brother. He was the cause for the trauma that wreaks havoc on my soul. I couldn't just let that go, I can't.

This burden is mine, forever.


Friday comes quicker than I thought it would. The chaos of life has settled into a soft murmur. Dealing with my business and my gang was proving to be stressful, but for now I was going to ignore it and focus on the dinner Alana and I were hosting.

Eme was one of the scariest people I have ever met in my life. Dark hair cut into a pixie cut, green eyes the color of forest grass, and full lips that permanently placed itself into a sneer. She was terrifying and god was she a goddess. Not to say that she even came close to Alana. My fiancé is and will always be the hottest, most breathtakingly beautiful, person on this very earth. It is just to say that whoever got the pleasure of marrying her, I would both be very impressed and send them a thousand prayers.

"You're the bitch stealing my Alana away from me?" Eme glances up and down my body like she's assessing my worth.

I arch my eyebrow, "Your Alana. Call her that again and I will carve your tongue out of your mouth."

Eme's frown was still there before looking to Alana at my side. "Approved."

Alana rolls her eyes, "It's usually much harder for you to approve those I date."

"I know a good one when I see it." Eme shrugs before gliding into the dining area. "She's acceptable."

I snort, "You had me terrified of her?"

"You should be because if you hurt one hair on Alana's head, I will stuff your tongue down your throat and watch you choke on it."

"She will do it, trust and believe." Sienna comment as she settles into her chair opposite of Courtney.  Sienna had long golden hair that sat on her head messily as if she just woke up from bed and rolled out of it. Her eyes were the color of a green sea, they reminded me of cat eyes, and she had thinner lips than everyone here but they were still full. Right above her lip there was a beauty mark that seemed to pull all of her features together.

"Courtney, are they telling the truth?" I joke and she laughs softly.

"We've hid more bodies than we should've." Courtney was the mirroring opposite of Sienna. Courtney had long reddish brown hair that was styled into perfect voluminous curls, her features were soft, and her lips were full. Her eyes were the color of dry wheat grass: a light brown that almost seemed impossible within an iris. She was adorned with freckles that seemed never ending all of her face, neck, and impressive chest.

Brooklyn raises a toast to that. "As have we."

June renters the room as she flattens the skirt out and adjusts her top. "Hey, Eme, finally you're here."

"Fashionably late, as always." Alana grins as she looks at her friends.

"Surprised she even came." Isabella crosses her legs as she taps away on her phone completely detached from the conversation. She was beautiful in a lot of ways: she was fuller than the rest and her eyes were the bluest I've ever seen. Her hair was cut into a bob just below her earlobes and the dagger earrings she wore kind of amazed me. Being a social media manager for some of the highest celebrities meant that you were communicating 24/7. I didn't blame her even though Alana had already scolded her twice. Isabella didn't care, she had made time out of her schedule to come to this dinner and she believed that was gesture enough.

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