Part 40

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Alex POV- continued

You wake up getting ready and all head to the race. You and the boys are engrossed the entire race, Mahkaila and (Y/N) chat the majority of it. You're all happy to be there and don't really care who wins the championship, you all celebrate for Max Verstappen winning the championship when its over.
You all take it in turns buying drinks and food for (Y/N) and you all keep thanking her.

The next day you all go down to the beach and have a beach day. You sit with (Y/N) just relaxing for a short while, you get your phone out and get a cute selfie with her. Will gets out of the water with Chase and Mahkaila and sits beside you both and you get a photo of you all. You post them on instagram and twitter before heading into the water with (Y/N).

You laugh before grabbing her and throwing her into the water laughing, you turn around to see Will recording you both and laugh even more right as she grabs your legs making you fall in as well and all you can hear is Will, Chase and Mahkaila laughing. You start fighting and splashing each other in the water and Will comes running over and teams up with (Y/N) while Mahkaila and Chase sit laughing at you both.

When you get out, you see a lot of notifications on your phone. You see that Mahkaila posted a video of you three in the water fighting as well and laugh at it.
Before long, you all head back to the hotel and get ready to leave.
The next day, you all head back to catch your flight and go back home.

You grab your bags after landing and head out to your truck, you drive this time and take everyone home and then go to (Y/N)'s apartment.
You both shower and decide to lounge around for the day and snuggle in bed watching TV and order food. You sit and talk about the work secret Santa after you see a gift wrapped for Chase in her bedroom.

"What did you get Chase then?" You ask her and she looks confused until you point to the gift.
"Oh... well, I've been a fan of his for a long time so some of the stuff in there i made a few years ago and then i got this Spotify music plaque for an Eric Church song and a photo of me, you, Mahkaila and him from the day we picked her up from the airport." She explains smiling.
"Thats sweet! What kinda things did you make?" You ask her, she laughs.
"You'll just have to wait and see, its tomorrow so you don't have long to wait!" She says and you remember its tomorrow.
You both call it a night quite early, you say night and kiss her and thank her again for the early present, she kisses you back and you snuggle and fall asleep.

You wake up before her in the morning and wake her up, she rolls over to face you.
"Good morning beautiful!" You say kissing her head, she smiles at you.
"You beat me to it this morning!" She says smirking and gets up and starts getting ready, grabbing her clothes out and getting dressed in the bathroom, she walks back in wearing an elf suit and you laugh at her. She throws another suit at you and tells you to put it on, you do as she asks and she laughs at you and has to get a photo of you both.

You head to HMS, passing your house to get your gift and seem to be the last ones there. Everyone looks at you both when you walk in and starts laughing.
"You two win! Best dressed by far!" Will shouts laughing at you both and takes a photo of you both. You watch (Y/N) make funny poses while he takes photos and you shake your head embarrassed and they laugh.

Your POV

"Lets all sit and get this secret Santa over with!" Mr.H shouts and you all sit around in a circle.
"Lets start over here and we'll end with Oliver there!" He says again pointing.
You all sit and wait for your turn laughing along and it gets to Chase, he smirks and stands up giving his gift to Alex. You all sit and watch him open his gift and he laughs facepalming once he sees what it is, he pulls out socks, shorts and a shirt with Chase's face all over it and then pulls out his favourite sweets, he cant stop laughing at the clothes and you all start laughing at Alex in hysterics mouthing "what the fuck?!" To Chase.
"You have to wear them next time we all go out together!" Chase shouts and you all start laughing.
"Number one fan right there, Chase!" You shout gesturing to Alex, everyone starts laughing.

Next up is Mahkaila, she slowly turns to Will right beside her giving him his gift, you see how nervous he looks as everyone watches him opening it. He takes it out and its a book of challenges to do with friends and a camera to make a scrap book of it all too and then he pulls out a pack of Twix and laughs to himself and looks over to Mahkaila who smiles at him.
"You know me too well!" He says laughing, she nods back.

You move onto Will, he takes a breath before getting up walking over to Oliver handing him his gift and quickly walking back to his seat. You bite your lip and make eye contact with Mahkaila and a few of 24 crew and some of them smirk.
You watch him open the bag and pull out a mug with writing on, he reads it out loud, "your secret Santa thinks you're a dickhead." You cant hold your laugh in and nearly fall off your chair laughing that much, Will starts laughing at you laughing until everyone is laughing.
"There's more in that bag!" Will shouts still laughing. You watch Oliver reach in the bag taking out sweets and a gift card for a restaurant. He reads a little note on the back and looks over to Will smiling, Will nods back at him.

You look at Alex nodding to him and he gets up giving the gift to Mahkaila, her face drops.
"Oh god help me!" She says taking the bag from him, you laugh a little at her as she opens it slow as ever. She laughs at her first gift as she pulls out some Chase Elliott merch.
"(Y/N) gave me an idea for the next couple of bits." He says winking at you. You watch her pull out a jar of pickles and a stuffed pickle toy and she laughs. You look at Alex and start laughing as well.

Your turn next, you smile and walk up to Chase giving him his gift from you, he looks up at you smirking, you bite your lip and walk back to your seat as he starts opening it.
First he pulls out a nicely wrapped keychain you made from resin, its a blue and yellow number 9, he smiles at this and get his next gift out thats wrapped up too, he unravels the paper and takes out a little NAPA car made from clay, he holds it up looking at it quite amazed and then pulls out a drawing you did of him a few years back and looks across at you.
"I did all them a few years back when i first started watching NASCAR, don't judge!" You say laughing, he looks at you clearly impressed and then gets out the main gift, opening it slowly after reading 'FRAGILE' all over the paper that you had hand written. He pulls out the glass plaque with Eric Church's song on it with a photo of you all in the car the day he met Mahkaila, he smiles at it and smiles at you and winks mouthing "thank you, i love it!" You smile at him and then watch a few others get their gifts.

Last but not least, is Oliver. Meaning, he has your gift.
You swallow hard as he walks over to you smiling handing you a box placing it on your lap and walks back to his seat. You look up to see Alex, Will, Chase and Mahkaila all staring at you waiting and you open the box.
You look inside and see British sweets, food, drinks and a mug with USA and UK on it with some teabags inside, you chuckle to yourself and smile at it all and look up at Oliver, he looks shy now.
"Thanks Oliver, this is really thoughtful of you!" You say over to him and he smiles and nods.
"There's a message in there too." He says and looks back down, you find the note he'd written and you sit reading it. The note basically explains how sorry he is for everything and he promises he wont hurt anyone again and he hopes you like your gift and it makes you feel more at home. You look at him and smile and he does so back.
You put the box on the floor keeping the note in your pocket, everyone looks over to see whats in the box and all agree its a thoughtful gift.

You all finish up and get ready to leave later on and you catch Oliver as he's about to leave.
"Hey, Oliver! Listen, thanks for the gift that was really thoughtful, i love it! I'm going back home next week for Christmas and New Year, would you like me to bring you something back? Literally anything!" You ask him smiling at him, he smiles back and shrugs.
"If i think of something, I'll give you a message. I'm glad you like it too and i mean what i wrote in that note. Tell the guys that too, please. I gotta go, I'll see you around. Merry Christmas, (Y/N)." He says smiling and then leaves.

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