Part 39

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William POV- continued

You suddenly wake up after falling asleep on the couch to banging on your door, you answer it and (Y/N) is stood smiling.
"You fell asleep didn't you?" She asks looking you up and down and you're still in your suit, she laughs.
"Get changed lazy, see you in 5!" She shouts as she heads back to her room.
You quickly start getting dressed.

"What the hell was that dream! Oh my god! This is going to be awkward!" You think to yourself, you cant help but laugh about it though.

Once you're dressed you go down to their room and all sit and have a drink and a laugh.
"Have fun in dreamland?" Alex teases, nudging your arm.
"I was actually! A lot of fun!" You say back winking and having a drink.
"Did it involve someone in this room?" Chase asks, overhearing you and Alex talking, you look at him and shrug your shoulders.
"Thats for me to know and you to find out!" You say folding your arms. You look over at (Y/N) who shakes her head laughing at you.

You drink all night and have no idea how you managed to get back to your room, but you wake up with a killer hangover.

Your POV

You wake up feeling fine, which you're surprised about since you usually aren't after drinking. You get up and go make a drink laughing to yourself thinking about Will last night at how drunk he got.
You go back through and wake Alex up and tell him you're going to get breakfast for you all and go out to grab something from a nearby McDonald's to keep you all going a couple hours.

You get noticed a couple times whilst out by fans of the boys and you try hiding from them. You grab the food and get out as fast as you can and back into the hotel.
You wake Alex up with his, he rolls over moaning.
"Morning beautiful." He mumbles, you laugh at him and put his food beside him as he starts sitting up.

You go out to give the others their food. You knock on Chase and Mahkaila's door, Chase answers in just his underwear, you laugh and look away holding a bag of food out and a couple coffees.
"I got you guys some brekkie, thanks for covering up too!" You shout to Chase and he laughs.
"Thanks! I'm just glad its you and not a randomer or a fan." He says laughing before closing the door, you walk away shaking your head and go to Will's room.

You get to Will's door and laugh before you knock thinking about the state he was in last night again and then knock. He answers it and to your surprise, he's up, showered and dressed.

"Oh... Good morning! Was expecting you to be dragging yourself around this morning. You were a right mess last night!" You say laughing and hand him his food, he smiles at you and takes it. He starts eating it straight away and invites you inside, you both sit down.

"How did i get back here last night?" He asks with a mouthful of food looking at you.
"I walked you down here and got you into bed and everything." You laugh at his reaction to you saying this, he covers his mouth and laughs a little before stopping and his eyes widen.
"Wait... so you got me undressed?!" He shouts staring at you, your face drops now too.
"I had to, you couldn't even walk. Never mind get yourself undressed and into bed! You told me about your dream too..." you explain to him, he looks at you confused.
"My dream? What drea..." he starts saying and then it clicks and he stands up shaking his head walking away.
"Lets forget this conversation and that one last night never happened, ok?! Thanks for the food as well by the way." He says clearly embarrassed, you laugh at him and shake your head.
"Okay okay, fine." You say still laughing at him.

A few days pass and you're all at the office, its after practice and you're all together.
"Everyone pick a name out of the hat if you get your own, put it back and get another! Its secret Santa time!" Mr.H shouts holding a hat full of little pieces of paper.

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