Volume 4.5: End of the summer break

Start from the beginning

Now that I think about Hirata... I didn't speak to him until the end of the exam on the cruise and didn't have a discussion about his ''broke up'' with Kei and the fact I was her new ''boyfriend''. I should probably talk with him about all this when the summer will end... But for now...

Yato: So Kei? What do we do today?

She then gives me a look of someone who had foreseen that I will ask this question...

Kei: Hehe, I suspected that you would not plan anything... So I thought we could just do a classic date.

Yato: Ah yes... a classic date...

I'm lost... To be honest I have never go on date with a girl before... Well, I didn't go to middle school... So I didn't hang out with a lot of people and have the chance to...

But just think about it... this should be easy to guess without having to admit that I never had a date before. The cliché thing would be like to go see a movie and maybe go eat something... Yeah, I would go with that...

Yato: So there was a movie you wanted to go see in particular?

Kei: Hmm yeah there was a new movie that just came out. 

Yato: Safe...

Kei: But it is not yet time... we could do a bit of shopping before. What do you think, Yato-kun?

Yato: Shopping huh...

Since I have a lot of points because I was saving them for my plan but it fail, I could maybe look for some furniture for my room...

Yato: Yeah why not. I follow you...

Kei: Great let's go!

25 minutes later

After does several stores, we were now in one that mainly sold clothes. Kei was looking in the women's section and I was looking around in the men's section...

Yato: Finally I still have bought nothing...

When Katsuragi and Kiyo came into my room a few days ago, they pointed out to me how empty it was apart from my books... But I have no fucking idea what to buy...

Yato: Even in clothes... I'm all good for the moment...

Begin discouraged I start to walk towards the women's section to join Kei but I noticed that she was looking for a certain set of clothing... It was a red swimsuit. 

I was behind her and she still haven't noticed my presence... 

Yato: You should just buy it if you want it...

Kei: Kyaaa!

She was probably in her own world thinking about a lot of things because she has been really surprised by me...

Kei: W-What are you talking about?

She then starts to look in the other direction of the swimsuit... But I just still looking at this red swimsuit...

Yato: Hmm Well the swimsuit that you have been looking for 15 minutes...

She then starts to blush a  bit for embarrassment... I really don't understand why she was acting like that...

Kei: Ah mou... it's just that tomorrow I need to go to the outside pool...

Yato: Ah Kiyo asked you for help finally?

She then was surprised by my words...

Kei: Huh??? Ayanakoji didn't tell me that you as coming too

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