You watch Alex and Chase pick a name out and look at each other laughing, then Mahkaila picks one out and smiles at her little piece of paper putting it in her pocket. Will picks one out and he rolls his eyes and notices you after he does it, you have a feeling you know who he got and you pick one out and read "Chase." You smile to yourself and quickly hide it in your pocket looking up to Alex and Chase smirking at you.

You all get dismissed and you guys get together. You nudge Will smiling,
"Judging by your reaction, I'm gonna guess you got Oliver?" You say laughing, he laughs back.
"Was it that obvious?" He asks and you nod laughing.

You all head home after this, you sit at your desk and think of what to get Chase. You want to get them all a present, but obviously need something else for Chase. You get a really good idea and quickly look at tickets, you find discount through a friend and buy tickets for the final F1 race and quickly message in the group chat:

You- i got you all something, an early Christmas gift. You're probably all gonna hate me for it and I'm gonna hate myself for it, but... pack a bag and get your passports ready!
Alex- what? Where we going?!
Chase- when?!
You- Friday
Mahkaila- I'm nervous...
William- woohoo! Off-season holiday!
You- pre-warning, its a long flight... and no it isn't England


You wake up beside Alex, shaking him getting him up.
"Morning beautiful!" You shout as you jump out of bed getting dressed.
"Its too early, why you so happy? It's literally 2am!" He shouts back at you pulling the pillow over his head. You jump on the bed taking the pillow off him and get in his face,
"Come on, gotta get ready, we have a flight to catch!" You shout again kissing his head and running out of the room.

You drive Alex's truck and pick Chase and Mahkaila up, they all fall asleep before you get to Will's. He gets in the truck and yawns, you laugh at him in the mirror and he smiles at you.

You drive the rest of the way to the airport and wake them all up when you get there and all go inside. You stop at a seating area and sit down with them all.

"Right, here's your Christmas cards. I need you all to open them at the same time!" You say handing them all their cards, Alex and Will look at you and smirk, Chase and Mahkaila look at each other.
"You guys ready?" You ask them raising you eye brow smirking. Alex and Will nod nervously, Mahkaila and Chase say "yeah."
"Okay...!" You count down before they open their cards.

You watch them open their cards and get the flight tickets out of your pocket.
"Holy shit! Is this for real?!" Chase is first to react and he shouts, looking up at you seeing you holding the tickets for the flight, he quickly stands up walking to you and hugs you.
"Thank you so much! Oh my god!" He shouts again hugging you, you laugh and hug him back.
"Wow... i don't know what to say. How did you keep this secret from me?!" Alex shouts smiling at you getting up and coming to give you a hug.
"You didn't have to do this. Thank you though, i cant wait!" He says smiling at you before kissing you, you hug and kiss him back.
"Was this not like... super expensive? Also, i want one of them hugs!" Will says laughing walking to you, you laugh at him and wait with open arms and hug him.
"Thank you, (Y/N). I owe you one!" He says down your ear hugging you, you shake your head as he moves back, he nods and you shake your head again and he laughs.
You look at Mahkaila who looks at you and smiles,
"This is the best gift I've ever received from a friend! Thank you!" She shouts and smiles at you.

You give them all their tickets to get on the flight and you all eventually board.
Mahkaila and Chase sit together and you sit in between Alex and Will after Will claims the window seat.

Alex POV

You sit beside (Y/N) and before long you set off. She falls asleep with her earphones in listening to music, you and Will talk about the gift she got you all. You look at her again and smile at her asleep,
"I wish i had what you guys do." Will says turning to look out the window.
"You will soon mate, i know it!" You say looking at him, he turns to look at you and smiles.

Before long, you all end up asleep. You wake up to (Y/N) grabbing a drink and some snacks for herself, you and Will. You turn to her and she smiles at you.
"Morning beautiful," she whispers to you and winks before having a drink, you laugh at her and have a drink too. She leans into you and you rest your head on hers.

"Really gotta think of something to get you for Christmas now!" You say looking ahead, she laughs at you and shakes her head.
"I am getting you something! I don't know what, but i am!" You say to her again,
"You don't need to get me anything, I've got you." She says and sits up pulling a face, you bite your lip so you don't laugh.
"I apologise, that was THE cheesiest thing i have ever said!" She starts laughing and you laugh as well hugging her.

You land in Abu Dhabi and grab your bags and get a ride to your hotel before heading out for the day looking around. You all hang out and have an early night ready for the race the next day.

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