Wedding drama (Atsuhina)

Start from the beginning

Atsumu giggles like a man child and raises one finger.

"How come you're so drunk with one glass of champagne?!"

Just as he was about to say something else,  a bottle came rolling and touched Osamu's knee.

Now Osamu was about to faint. He steadied himself, grabbed on Atsumu's shoulder.

"Tsumu. Did. Ya. Drink. The. Whole. Ass. Champagne. Bottle!?"

Atsumu giggles ones again and nods.

Osamu never had this hardcore urge to slap Atsumu in the face but nevertheless stopped himself from doing so.

"Tsumu get up from the floor and sit on the sofa. Right now."

Atsumu obeyed as he was told. Osamu was walking here and there, trying to find how to sober Atsumu up.

"God what do I do with you Tsumu!! And here I thought you finally grew up-
Tsumu what are you doing!!?"

Atsumu was trying to go out of the window. Osamu dragged him inside and shut the windows.

"Tsumu what was that?!"

Atsumu made a sad puppy face and stared at the ground,

"I want to see my Sho... I don't like when he isn't with me 👉🏻👈🏻"

Osamu really wanted to jump out of that window right now.
"Okay Osamu calm down. I know he's the most 'stupidest' person you've ever seen but he's still your twin brother. This idiot doesn't even realize what I'll have to go through if he disappeared on us. Shoyo will kill me."

He then put Atsumu again on the sofa.

"Okay Tsumu listen to me. You're gonna meet your Shoyo really soon but before that I need you to sit here and not go anywhere. I'll tell Yachi san to come here. So, before that do not move at all. You understand? I'll come get you soon."

Atsumu stared at Osamu's face.

"Nod if you understand Tsumu."

Atsumu reluctantly nods.

"Okay then I'll call Yachi until I find some pain killers and lemons for you."

Osamu walk out of the door and make sure to lock it from the outside. He also locks the window Atsumu almost jumped out of.
(Note: They are on the first floor.)

A moment later Yachi arrives. She opens the door with the key Osamu gave her.
She kept shaking and panicking about drunk Atsumu. When she finally opened the door,

"Atsumu san...?"


No response.
No one was inside the room. Only the bathroom door was opened and the window inside.

Yachi rushed inside the room, then to the bathroom.

"Oh-my-y god!?"

Osamu came just behind her.

"What happened Yachi kun?!"

"Atsumu san he- he- ran out from the bathroom window!!"


Osamu also rushed inside the bathroom where Yachi was.
Atsumu really was nowhere to be seen.

Back to present

"And then Hinata kun called me so I went there. Kenma san what do we do!? The wedding is about to start in two hours."

Just as both of them gave up Kenma spoke,

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