Us♡ (Miyahina)

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Hinata Shoyo is an ordinary first year at Inarizaki high. But nothing about his life is ordinary. Not even his boyfriends. Yes. Boyfriends. Also, he loves both of them very much and they are twins. They spoil him way too much, fight with each other on the most bizarre topic of "Who loves Hinata Shoyo the most?", and then Hinata will have to break up the fight. It's more like taking care of two giant babies, hungry for attention.
Oh well, here comes another day of school and Hinata is on his way for morning practice. Right now he's running as fast as I could. Why? Because he's late and he doesn't want Kita san giving him death stares. Well, he's Kita's favorite, so Kita will probably let him off easily without any extra laps even it's not a big deal for Hinata. But more importantly, he's late to meet his boyfriends who'll be waiting at the front gate. The reason he's late is also because of them. If he didn't talk to them till 2 in the morning and slept early, he surely would've made it on time.

Hinata runs and runs like there's no end. Finally, the school gates come in view and he spots two dotted figures.

"Tsumu! Samu!" Hinata screams at the top of his lungs.

Both figures turn around as they stood next to each other. Hinata runs and jumps in Atsumu's arms, Atsumu catching him in time. Atsumu glances at Osamu and smirks, knowingly pissing his twin off.

Hinata pouts at Atsumu

"Gimme a kiss."

Atsumu puts both his palms on either side of Hinata and pulls him into a kiss.

Meanwhile, Osamu beckons and fake cough, gesturing to Hinata that he is forgetting something.
Hinata then plunges into Osamu's arms to kiss him too and this time Osamu was the one smirking. Just then, they hear the bell ring for the morning practice, meaning the club has started. They run fast as they could, Hinata still hanging onto Osamu, and Osamu carrying him like nothing.
They reach the club door huffing. Just as they were calming their breathing... someone opens the door and its none other than their captain, Kita Shinsuke.
The three of them look at each other and then look at Kita before Kita starts talking

"May I know why you three are late?"


The ones in the club room get chills down their necks and in an instant, you can see Suna right behind Kita recording everything without him noticing. Unfortunately for him, Kita turns at the wrong time, and now four of them get scolded.

"So Hinata... I'll start with listening to your explanation."

Hinata starts stuttering and barely manages to speak,

"I slept late..."

"And why is that?"

Now Hinata would never tell that it was because of his boyfriends but a person with Kita's personality already figured it out.

"Very well. Ten more extra laps around the school non-stop. All three of you."

Then Atsumu points, "Don't you mean four of us?"

"I stand correct. Hinata will run twenty extra and I'm sure he knows why."

Hinata quietly says, "Yes, captain."

The other three mumble a yes and then the morning practice starts.

Hinata goes up the school building's rooftop and sees Osamu already waiting for him.

"Where's Tsumu?" he questions.

Osamu simply gestures for Hinata to sit beside him and then answers, "He had some errands to run."

Haikyuu one shots ft. rare hinata shipsWhere stories live. Discover now