(We see grookey going to falinks poking them all)

Goh: no stop Grookey!

(Y/N): it's always grookey.

(Suddenly mud is thrown at all the falinks as we hear laughing to reveal impidimp)

(Y/N): (sweatdrops)  oops... I may have spoken to soon... I may or may have forgot I sent out impidimp.

(We see the brass of the falinks is angry)

Goh: (picks up Grookey) I keep telling you not to do that!

(Y/N): (picks up impidimp) now's not the time for jokes!

(All the falinks charge)

Ash: Pikachu thunderbolt go!

(Y/N): impidimp fake out!

(Impidimp uses fake out causing the falinks to stop slightly in midair (aka flinch) as they are then hit by pikachu's thunderbolt as they all fall to the ground as one fall downs the hill)

(Y/N): (runs after it) wait up!

Goh: (to Ash) We'll be back! You stay here!

Ash: I got it. There's one (picks up a trooper) sorry about that. Where are the others? (Sees another in a tree) okay just hold on!

(Meanwhile we see the last part of falinks , this being the brass, tumbling down the hill with Goh and (Y/N) chasing after it)

Goh: stop right there!

(Y/N): gotcha!

(Goes to grab it but this big ice penguin runs from out of nowhere and clashes heads with (Y/N) as they both fall as Goh sees it's heading for a river so he leaps and manages to catch it)

Goh: that was too close. (Sees the a block of ice with a face on it) what... is... that?

(Hears falinks and looks down to see the brass has jumped out his arms as it's angry and shouts out before looking behind it to see none of it's followers)

Goh: sorry Ash and Pikachu got carried away.

(Y/N): we're sorry too, right impidimp. (Impidimp nods untii they see something) ice?  Oh! Are you okay! 

(They see the ice penguin sad especially with it's ice face broken as they see it's true face looking sad as impidimp starts bursting out in laughter with tears coming out it's eyes and pointing at its face as it looks and begins tearing up before running away)

(Y/N): no wait! Bad impidimp! Return! (Returns it to it's pokeball) I'll be back! (Chases after it)

Goh: wait! ((Y/N) has already ran off)

(With Goh)

Goh: (looks back at falinks) you're still not used to battling are you. (Gets up as falinks looks down at the ground sad) your troopers must be worried about you let's go. (Falinks doesn't move) huh? Is something wrong? Feeling down? I guess things aren't going so well huh. This is all new, you've only just joined them, right. Practice will fox things right up.

(We see the brass is still looking down sad)

(With Ash)

Ash: okay 1 and 2,3,4,5. Good, they're all here.

(All the troopers look around for their leader)

Ash: stay calm, Goh will be back with brass in no time.

(Pikachu speaks out as all the troopers stop, look at Pikachu, and go behind him)

Ash: huh!

(Pikachu tries shooing them away but they don't move and when Pikachu tries running away they follow)

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