Ash: right.

(Y/N): I hope there are other cute or cool Pokémon I can catch.

(We see eiscue, both of them, have washed up on shore as they lay there before momentarily getting up and looks at it's surroundings and walks off as they both split up. We see one eiscue trip over a galarian slowpoke and hit it's head on a rock causing it to smash to pieces revealing it's true face as it begins freaking out and panicking until it sees an ice cream cart with a woman serving ice cream)

Woman: alright one lemonade coming up you'll have it in a giff. (We see one of those box cooler things that I don't know the name of that you'd take to the beach with ya to keep your cold drinks cool but as she feels into it she feels something weird as she pulls out eiscue upside down who now has it's ice face back as she screams and throws it and it lands onto the back of a car/truck)

(Meanwhile we just see the other eiscue running and exploring as it enters a forest as we look to see it's created a path to get up the side with ice beam and then we see on the ground a long path which it has used to slide across to go faster before it has now resorted to running after nearly getting hit by a car. However before it enters the forest it looks back as it sees a happy family with a man, woman, two kids and their growlithe as it looks sad and then runs into the forest)

(With the trio)

Ash: (looking closely) there!

(They rush over to see a group of falinks marching as they turn to look at Goh)

Rotom phone: falinks, the formation Pokémon, a fighting type. Falinks has a leader called the brass, and five followers called the troopers. The brass gives all the orders.

Goh: so the one in front is the brass.

(The falinks walks away)

Ash: they really do move while they're one.

(Y/N): it's pretty cool.

Goh: what's battling over there!

(We see boldore and another falinks as they get into a formation and charge and knock the boldore off it's feet as it runs away)

Ash: man falinks are strong.

Goh: that's some amazing teamwork.

(Y/N): no kidding. Even a bulky and heavy Pokémon like boldore was sent flying.

(We cut back to the eiscue that was on the back of a car as it thinks about home before it stands up but as fate has it the car hits a rock causing her car to bump up and down and eiscue falls out the car as it slides down the path, hits and goes over the railing and fall into the forest and falls into the water)

(Meanwhile we see the other eiscue running in the forest as it passes a nidoran male and female, a flock of Rookidee, two hoothoots in a tree sleeping as it thinks about it's family as we cut to a flash back with a still image of it as a really young eiscue and two oldish looking eiscue as we see it grow bigger and then we see a still image with this eiscue and those two are gone leaving it all alone as it grows bigger until it's the size it is today)

(We cut back to see Goh taking videos and pictures)

Goh: huh?

Ash: what is it Goh? 

Goh: there's something odd about that falinks.

(Y/N): huh?

Ash's there is?

(They look at a falinks walking until they all fall over)

Ash: I see it. They're not really in sync.

Goh: maybe the haven't been a team for that long.

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