2. Magic Spells

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You knocked to a tune on the door, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer to be specific.

"Come in, yn." Loki's voice called from the other side. You smiled to yourself and walked into Loki's bedroom. "Thank you for having the decency to knock." he said. He was cross legged on his floor with glowing green runes floating in the air around him. His eyes were closed and his hands were palm up, resting on his knees.

"New spell?" you questioned, closing the door and flopping onto his neatly made bed.

"Old one I've been having trouble with."

You gasped in fake surprise. "No, you?" you met his eyes, hanging upside down from his bed. "Having trouble with a spell?" Loki chuckled and closed his eyes again.

"Anything I can help you with?" he asked, peeking one eye open.

"Mmm, no, just bored." you hummed, picking up the spell tome that was open on the seat at the foot of the bed. You couldn't read the runes on the pages, but you could sure try. It beats sitting and watching tiktoks for another hour.....

You were halfway through trying to guess what the spell on page 20 was when Loki stopped his magic work. He slowly stood, and you moved to make a spot on the bed for him. You knew how draining magic work could be on him.

"You can read those?" he asked, sitting next to you on the bed.

"Nope." you said. "But it beats doing nothing." Loki laughed and took the book from your hands.

"This is a portal spell." he pointed to a circular blue drawing.

"So thats what it is." you nodded. "I thought that was a magic rock or something."

"No." Loki laid back, resting his head in your lap, as he had done over a million times before. He closed his eyes and sighed. "The runes aren't too terribly difficult to read, maybe sometime I could show you how to read them?" he looked up at you in questioning. You nodded, and a small smile appeared on his lips.

"Loki, my bestie, my dearest friend, my closest comp-"

"Yes, you can braid my hair." he interrupted, knowing exactly what you were going to ask.

"Yay!" you cheered, taking the green brush that was floating in the air next to you. It was a really pretty brush. Made of some kind of Asgardian crystal.

His eyes shut as you brushed through his hair. You had no clue what they did on Asgard, but man, was his hair nice. There was no way it could ever look messy.

Once you finished and tied off his hair, Loki got up and started sifting through his dresser drawers.

"How did the spell go?" you asked, laying on the bed and looking at the ceiling.

"Not as well as I had hoped." he admitted. A black cloth smacked your face, covering your eyes completely. You screeched and took the fabric off, lifting to see what it was.

"Hey, this is mine!" you said, staring at the ACDC shirt in your hands. "Must have been mixed up, since all you wear is black." You sat up to see Loki holding a black shirt and pants with a frown. You chuckled. "Anyways, explain it to me." it had become a habit for both you and Loki to explain projects to each other. If you were having trouble with a lab project, you could explain it to Loki, and he would try to help, or just listen. Talking things through usually helped a lot.

"So, the astral form is extremely difficult to tap into alone." he began, pulling his shirt over his head. "not to mention the fact that once in your astral form, the physical body is completely stagnant." damn. He had definitely been working out on Asgard.... "So the problem isn't getting into the astral form, its getting out of it thats the issue. I want to be able to project my astral form across the realm, but I'm afraid that if I try now, I could get stuck." he pulled on the black dress shirt and looked to you. "This kind of astral magic is most commonly done by one person pushing it onto another. I've only seen it done once before."

"So, why not try to find someone to-" you snorted as he fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. He muttered something about "tiny mortal buttons" and sighed. "Need help, there, Lokes?" you snickered.

"I've got it." he dismissed, finally buttoning one on his shirt. "And there are no sorcerers here that would be willing to help me."

"Have you asked around? I'm sure someone-"

"No, yn." he snapped. "You forget what I've done to this realm." his demeanor changed from the mischievous friend you knew to the cold man you wish you didn't. "I wouldn't be welcome anywhere but here." his eyes had darkened, and he wasn't looking at you anymore, rather the spell tome on the bed.

"Thats because they don't know the full story." you said quietly. You sat up and crossed your legs. "If you released a statement explaining wh-"

"Just leave it, yn." Loki said coldly. "Please." he added, sounding plain hurt now.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." you looked down at your lap and stood. "I just want other people to see you the way I do." sure, maybe that came out a bit more romantic than you wanted it to, but it was all you could think of at the moment.

Loki heaved a sigh and put a hand on your shoulder. "I know you do, and I'm immensely thankful to have a friend like you." he seemed to flinch, and let the hand on your shoulder fall to his side. "But I'm afraid the damage I've done to this realm is far too great to be remedied by a simple explanation."

"There really isn't any harm in trying, though." you shrugged, patting his shoulder. "Now, I'm going to start dinner, it's my turn to cook."


Bingus bungus, another chapter is among us

i present thee, a pic i took of the really fahked up thor i saw at the store

i present thee, a pic i took of the really fahked up thor i saw at the store

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