Falling Apart...

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I wake up the next morning with a pounding head and an arm draped over the small of my back. I'm naked and under a blanket with Matt. Oh god, I think. I slept with him. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! How did I let this happen. I close my eyes and reply the night in my head. Mac told me that he was part of my brother dying. I saw Dylan making out with that blondie Veronica. That scene plays over and over in my head, stabbing my heart over and over. I open my eyes. I was angry and so I slept with Dylan's best friend... crap. I look out the window. Dark storm clouds crowd the sky and I can hear thunder rumbling off in the distance.
"Are you awake?" I hear Matt's voice whisper. I turn and face him.
"Yeah." I whisper back. He smiles and rolls onto his back, running a hand through his messy hair. He let's out a small quiet chuckle.
"What?" I ask with a smile. He looks at me.
"Well, don't you think last night was all a bit rushed?"
"It was more then rushed," I roll onto my back as well, and look at him, "it was crazy. It was so ridiculous of us. I was angry at my boyfriend and so I slept with his best friend. I don't know anything about you except for your name. What's not rushed or crazy about that?" I look up at the white ceiling.
"Do you regret last night?" He asks. I look at him, hesitating to answer.
"I do and I don't."
"Same here." He nods. We stay silent. There's a loud clap of thunder and I jump, making Matt laugh. Rain starts thrashing at the window and I scowl at him for laughing.
"You're cute." He smiles. I smile and peck his lips. His arms wrap around my bare body and he pulls me close to him. The heat radiating off him is so comforting and I snuggle into him more. More lightening followed by thunder fills the sky and I close my eyes. I listen to Matt's heart beat, tuning out the thunder and rain. His breathing is even and so is his heart beat. I kiss his chest and his heart beat speeds up the tiniest bit. I smile to myself and he kisses the top of my head. He takes in a deep breath and releases it slowly.
"We should probably get up." He says quietly.
"Damn." I whisper. He chuckles and kisses the top of my head again.
"I know, but come on." He sits up and so do I, holding the blanket up against my chest. He stands up and starts getting dressed. He doesn't out his shirt on, as he walks out of the room.
"I'll wait outside the door." He smiles. I nod and wait for him to close the door, before putting on everything except my jeans, leaving me in my baggy oversized t-shirt. I open the door and Matt is standing there. He takes my hand and we walk downstairs into the kitchen. The house is already clean. My heart jumps into my throat, again, when I see Dylan making some breakfast for himself. He glances up and doesn't really acknowledge me, but then his head snaps up and he stares at me in shock. Dylan walks towards me with the sharp knife he was using to cut a tomato in his hand. He shoves me up against the wall, causing me to lose my grip of Matt's hand. I let out a small cry as he holds the knife point at my left shoulder.
"What the hell?" He spits.
"Dylan, stop." Matt instructs. Dylan looks at him.
"Why'd you sleep with her?" He asks, glaring at Matt.
"Why'd you sleep with Veronica?" I ask. Dylan directs his gaze back to me and presses the knife point harder against the material of my t-shirt, causing the material to break and the point of the knife to come in contact with my skin. He presses harder and I let out a louder cry as it pierces my skin, the acid from the tomato on the knife sinking into my flesh.
"I thought you loved me." I say, wincing, but holding my gaze with his. "You said you loved me. And I thought that you had changed. I thought you actually did love me. But I was wrong. I was so, so wrong. I should've known that you would just break and return your old selfish jerk of a person. You're a disgrace to this fucking world." I spit. He pushes the knife harder into my skin and tears prick my eyes as I yell in pain as the wound gets bigger. I look at Matt. He's holding a piece of paper. I read what's on it. If I try to grab the knife from him, I could hurt you badly. But I have a plan... It says. I nod and look back at Dylan.
"The only disgrace here is you. You're pathetic. You keep thinking I'll change, but that was all just an act, sweet heart. You're worthless. You're gullible, and hopeless, and you just don't stop. You can't. You think people will love you if you keep trying, but nothing like that ever happens. People don't change like that," he snaps his fingers on "that" and then smiles at me sadistically. "You are just a sad pathetic worthless virus, so us all a favour and kill yourself." The words chew at me. Maybe he's right, I think. He pulls the knife from my shoulder and goes to walk away, but before he can get anywhere, Matt punches him across the face, knocking him out. I run into Matt's arms and start crying.
"Don't listen to a word that he says. Not a single word. Please. You have so much to live for and so many people love you. Don't let him bring you down." Matt whispers as he strokes my hair. He sits me down on the couch in the living room. He goes to remove my top, but I glare at him.
"I need to see the wound, Amber." He says. I swallow and let him pull my top off completely. He inspects the knife wound and holds my hand.
"Amber, this needs stitches." He says. I nod. "That requires going to a hospital." He adds. I close my eyes.
"But that means I'll have to explain how it happened." I whine. Matt nods.
"If you don't want to tell them exactly what happened, just make something up. But we need to get you there quickly, before you lose too much blood." He explains. I look down at the wound and then I feel sick to my stomach. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a deep cut like mine with blood pouring out of it. I faint.

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