Andy nods in response. "Since before we were married. In the beginning it was slaps here and there, and as time went on his hits became more bruising but he never put them in visible places until today. He told me I couldn't leave now, that he ruined me and I was too ugly to find anyone else. That's the last thing I remember before the ambulance."

I don't bother hiding the small sob that leaves my body. Andy had been trapped for years, even before we knew each other. She finally got the strength to leave and he does this.

"What made you decide to leave?" Officer Hughs asks, scribbling down more notes.

"He became more violent and mean in the last few months and I finally had enough money stowed away that I would be okay without our joint accounts. I finally wanted to live for myself." Andy says, tears streaming down her battered face.

I think if it were possible, you would be able to hear my heart crack in this moment.

"Alright Dr. Petersen, we have a couple more questions and then we'll let the medical team finish up." Officer Hughs says swallowing, and his face looking more grim than before. "Did he sexually assault you today, has he ever sexually assaulted you?"

I bite my lip waiting for Andy's response. "He didn't rape me today but he has in the past."

The officers nod, and I can see the anger behind their eyes. It's almost reassuring.

I don't even bother trying to wipe the tears that are streaming down my face, and I think back to every moment I've ever had with Andy, wondering how the hell I didn't know she needed help.

"Alright, lastly, is there someone you can stay with? We don't believe it's safe for you to return to your house when you're released from the hospital."

Andy hesitates for a few seconds, and before she responds I jump in. "She can stay with me." The officers nod, and Andy doesn't put up a fight.

They take pictures of Andy's injuries before bidding us goodbye, leaving their cards in case anything comes up.

We sit in silence for a few minutes before Andy speaks. "Thank you, Faye." She says in a small breaking voice.

I simply nod, wiping the never-ending tears from my face.

"Alright Dr. Petersen, we're going to send you up for an MRI. You definitely have a concussion and I suspect you have some cracked ribs and a fractured cheek bone, as well as a broken nose." The ER doctor says in a soft voice.

Andy simply nods, and I tell her I'll wait for her to come back from the MRI.

They all leave and I sit in the small room, trying to soak everything that just happened before a sob breaks out of me. I rush out of the room and into the small bathroom across the hall, emptying my body of whatever I had eaten today.

After sitting on the floor for a few minutes, I finally collect myself and make my way back into Andy's room, pulling out my phone to call Colton.

"Hey baby, what's up?" He says chirpily, and I almost feel guilty knowing I'm about to ruin his mood.

I choke back the sob I have building before speaking. "I got a page that one of my residents, Andy, was in the ER. She tried to leave her husband this morning and he beat her within an inch of her life." I say, finally letting more sobs out. "I told her she can stay with us, it's not safe for her to go home."

Colton swears on the other end of the call, and I can hear movement before a door shuts.

"Jesus Christ Faye I'm so sorry, do you need me to come get you? Of course she can stay with us, it's your house."

The Doctor, The Billionaire, The BabyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang