As I approached room 7 of the hospital's emergency department, my steps faltered, terrified of what I would see on the other side of the sliding door. I wish I would have prepared myself more, but realistically nothing would prepare me for what I was about to see.

I couldn't even contain my gasp as my eyes met Andy's almost unrecognizable face. Her nose was clearly broken and I don't think there was a portion of her skin without a bruise on it. As my eyes continued to trail her form I could see the strangulation marks on her neck, and the defensive wounds on her arm. Blood coated her face as well, and I had to swallow the bile that quickly made its way up my throat.

Finally tearing my eyes away from Andy, I move them to the two male police officers cramped in the corner of the small room, both of their faces firm and emotionless.

I force myself into the room and move to Andy's bedside.

"Andy, what happened?" I whisper.

At this, she lets out a choked sob and grabs my hand. I use my other hand to gently stroke her hair, and have to hold back a sob of my own.

After a few moments, one of the officers clears their throats and speaks. "Dr. Petersen, would it be alright if a nurse and doctor came in and assessed you now, and we take your statement?"

Andy's grip on my hand tightens before she nods.

One of the officers leaves to go grab the nurse and doctor, and I stare off into space, trying to keep my stomach under control. The last thing any of us need is me throwing up.

The officer quickly returns, and a young nurse and doctor, neither whom I recognize, enter the room.

I push myself towards the head of the gurney to try and give them the most room possible without letting go of Andy's hand. They don't say anything as they begin working, checking for a concussion first.

"Alright Dr. Petersen, I'm officer Grant and this is officer Hughs, do you think you can walk us through what happened, do you know who did this?" The officer who brought back the nurse and doctor asks.

I can see Andy visibly shaking and I use my thumb to rub soothing circles on the back of her hand, hoping it will help somehow.

"It was my husband." She whispers, and I have to fight to keep a straight face.

"What's his name?" Officer Hughs asks, taking notes on a notepad.

"Michael Petersen." She answers, her voice a bit louder this time.

"Can you walk us through what happened? If at any time you need a break, just let us know." The same officer says.

Andy takes a deep breath before beginning. "I took today off because I needed to ask my husband for a divorce. He's barely home and so I knew today was my best option. He got home from a business trip this morning and he was agitated, but I didn't care. I needed to be free." She says, her voice breaking.

"I gave him the papers and told him I was done, that he needed to stay somewhere else and he lost it. I don't know how long the beating lasted but the next thing I remember is being loaded into an ambulance. Do you know who called them?" She asks, trying to piece together fragments of her memory.

Officer Hughs shifts before looking up. "A neighbor walking a dog heard screams and called 911. By the time the first officers arrived your husband had fled. I assume he heard the sirens and bolted. They're searching your house and the area now."

Andy nods, shifting uncomfortably as the doctor palpates her face.

"Has he ever hit you before?" Officer Grant asks.

The Doctor, The Billionaire, The BabyWhere stories live. Discover now