Chapter 1

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Steve was the youngest recruit in the military. Nobody knew why he wanted to be here. He seemed to enjoy life, tho, he was serious.

He only smiled sometimes, but when he was at work, he was serious. Everyone would say he's similar to a mother.

Steve was working on one of the tanks. In one of the wars, it was hit. It wasn't a lost cause, but he sure did wish it was. They had the money to get a new one.

But, he knew that if they found out that it could be fixed, the Captain would put him on bathroom duty for a year!

He wasn't ready for that type of war. Men sweating, and shiting in the bathrooms. Steve was sure that they didn't flush the toilets.

He shivered at the thought and continued to work on the tank. Soon, he heard a voice that made him pause.

"Hey Steve, guess who's here!" The Captain, or what Steve would like to call him: "Ah yes, my daily annoyance."

Steve got from under the tank to look and the Captains surprised face. He became dramatic and put his hand over his heart.

"Steve ,how could you say such a thing?" Steve rolled his eyes and began back working on the tank.

"Because it's true." The Captain leaned down so that he could see under the tank. "Aw, don't be like that, you know you love me~"

His voice turned deep, saying the last part. Steve turned his head to look at the Captain.

"With all do respect sir, please, get out of my face before I kick you in the balls." He said with no respect.

"OK, I'll get out of your helmet." He said as he walked away laughing.

He's a jerk.

After a long day, the tank still wasn't finished. He still had a lot to do. Sighing, he stepped into the base.

He smelled must and dirt. He scrunched his nose to smell. "Hey Steve, what's the long face for?" Said one of the men.

"I walked into the room of a bunch of smelly men." He said as he glared at the men. He walked away, planning to wake up early to fix the tank.

Steve entered his room, falling face first into his pillows, hoping that the tank would explode so he wouldn't have to fix it.

"Nice ass," Steve heard a familiar voice. He looked up to see the Captain leaning on his door frame with a smile on his face.

"Get. Out." Steve said as he glared at him. The Captain walked inside, smiling a bit more. Steve was now annoyed. He got up to the smiling Captain and pushed him out of his room.

He might have pushed up a little too hard. Because the Captain was heading towards the ground, taking Steve down with him.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Steve yelled as he plunged to the floor. Landing on top of the culprit who had dragged him down.

He looked up to see a smirked on his face. Pining him down to his chest, the Captain leaned back to relax.

"Maybe.....we can just stay like this." He said with his eyes closed. Steve was angry. Able to move a little, he head-butted the Captain in the rib, causing the Captain groan in pain.

He let go of Steve to hold on to his rib. Steve got up and headed back to his room. "Keep your hands off me."

He closed the door of his room and locked the door this time. He knew that Captain would still mess with him.

But.....he didn't really mind.

Assassin's Instinct (Tankman x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now