Hope's P.O.V.
    I couldn't stop thinking about my dream. I couldn't help but feel like it wasn't a dream but everything that happened made it seem like a dream. One, because Malivore is supposed to be gone. Two, I woke up in my bed after going to sleep. I'm not sure if I'm just paranoid or if Malivore really is back. "Hope?" I was so into my thoughts to even hear them. "Little niece." They kept calling but it was like I was in another world. "Hope!" I hear them all yell and finally snap out of it. "Uh yeah?" I asked and they looked at me concerned. "Hope, is everything alright dear?" My aunt Rebekah asked. If I told them about my dream and Malivore possibly being back, trying to find the only weapon that could kill me, they would probably freak and get all protective family over me. I couldn't let that happen because if it did, I wouldn't be able to stop him and I'm the only one who can. Our plan didn't work before so I know what I would have to do if Malivore is back. The only problem is.. Can I bring myself to kill my boyfriend along with him? "Y-yeah I'm fine. Just lost in thought I guess. But I'm fine." I said and I could tell they were still concerned but they knew I wouldn't go into detail about it so they dropped it.

    After spending the whole day with my family, we headed back home. I needed a day with them, I really did. Even if my mind was elsewhere, I still had fun. After they had asked me if I was alright, I tried my best to focus on them. I did focus on them but my mind did keep drifting. "We definitely needed that." Marcel said as we walked through the front door of the house. "Yeah we did. And we definitely need another day like that again soon." My aunt Freya said. I smiled at all of them. "It's nice being able to spend time like this again. I missed it so much." I said and saw them all smiling. "Well this big house, definitely hasn't been the same without you in it." My aunt Rebekah said and gave me a hug. "I know. But the Salvatore school is my home just as much as this is. But since it's not as crazy at the school anymore, I'm sure I can come visit more often." "You better visit more often. Everyone get in here." My aunt Rebekah said and everyone else came into the hug. "You guys are squeezing me." I said and my uncle chuckled. "If you can beat me in a fight, I'm sure you can handle a bit of squeezing." I rolled my eyes and just enjoyed the moment with my family.

    They all pull away when we hear the door open. "I'm sorry if we're interrupting." Josie said and I turn to see her and Lizzie standing at the door. By the looks on their faces, I could tell they needed to talk to me. "No you're good girls. Just having a good old family hug." Freya said, looking at the twins. "Come on Hope, you can tell me what you think of my new outfits." Lizzie said and that's when I noticed the bags in her hand, but I'm sure it was just an excuse to get me alone. "You girls go have fun." Rebekah said as her and the others walked off.

    Lizzie started walking up the stairs, while Josie and I followed. We walked into my room and closed the door behind us. I hear Josie quickly put a spell on the room so no one could hear us or walk in. "What happened today?" I asked, knowing it had to of been about Landon, if Lizzie told Josie. "Well, we can't find Landon in town." Lizzie said, but Josie stepped in afterwards. "But we still aren't sure if he's actually Malivore. Landon could have just gotten lost in that crowd." "Well he should know how to get back here by now and if he isn't back soon, then we might have our answer." I won't let him hurt anyone else but I have to be certain that he is Malivore before I end up having to kill my boyfriend. "I'm sure he just walked into one of those geek stores and got lost in the crowd, trying to find us." Lizzie said but I still couldn't shake my feeling. I hope my feeling is wrong for once because I don't want to have to kill Landon and lose him once again.

    Once we finished talking, Josie lifted the spell, and Josie and I left the room, while Lizzie dealt with her clothes. "Hope, are you doing okay?" I hear Josie ask. I looked at her and smiled slightly. "Yeah I'm fine." I knew Josie worried, especially now that we knew Malivore could be alive, but I didn't want her to worry because if he was back, I knew what I had to do. I wouldn't let him hurt anyone else. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked and looked at Josie, trying to see if I could see the bite mark on her neck. "It doesn't hurt anymore, does it?" I still hated that I gave in and fed from Josie but I knew that she wouldn't have given it up. "No, not really. Maybe a bit but now it just feels like how a bruise does when you touch it." I'm glad it didn't hurt her anymore. "Are you keeping it well hidden?" I knew her dad and her girlfriend would get pissed if they saw it. "Yeah, so far so good. Hopefully it heals up soon and I won't have to hide it anymore." I hear the front door open from down stairs and gave Josie a look. We both walked to the railing and looked over to see MG and Landon walking in. "Look who I found!" Part of me was relieved but the other part of me was nervous that Landon disappearing was because he was actually Malivore, trying to find the weapon to kill me. I sped down to Landon and stood in front of him. "Where were you? You had me worried sick." I was worried about Landon but at the same time, I was putting up an act to make it seem like I was talking to Landon and had no idea that I could have been talking to Malivore. "I'm fine Hope. I walked into this store and was distracted for awhile until I came out and realized everyone was gone. And as I walked around town, trying to find everyone, I ran into MG and he brought me back." He smiled at me but his smile didn't make me feel any better like it used to. Was it because I was being cautious that he was Malivore or was there more to it? "Thank you MG." "No problem Hope. Goodnight everyone!" He yelled and walked back out to the RV. Josie had come down and smiled at Landon. "I'm glad they found you. I'm going to say goodnight to everyone outside." She said and walked off but turned around to give me a look. I can tell she didn't really trust the story just as much as I didn't. "Come on. We should start heading to bed. We both had long days." I said and smiled at him. I took his hand and walked with him upstairs. He walked me to my room. "Goodnight Hope." "Goodnight Landon." "I hope you sleep well." He said and then I felt his lips press against mine. Something felt off about the kiss but I wasn't sure if it was my suspicions that he was Malivore, or what I had been feeling recently whenever we kissed, which isn't what I used to feel when we kissed. "Sleep well Landon. And try not to get lost in town again." I said and chuckled softly, still trying to hide how suspicious I was of him. He gave me a quick kiss on my head. "I promise I'll try not to get lost again." He said and then walked off towards his room. I waited until he was inside before I walked into my room and closed the door.

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