Drunk Enough

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This takes place between Lights Out and All or Nothing. If you haven't read Lights Out stop reading this now. It is pure angst and you don't need to read this to understand the rest of the story, it is mentioned in the sequel. It is part of the story line for a certain side pairing, not focused on Naruto/Sasuke. 

It started like any other night. Suigetsu was just relaxing on his couch, binge watching some show that one of his friends had recommended. His attention was pulled away from the TV by a loud series of knocks on his door. He contemplated just ignoring it, knowing anyone would have either text or called him if they were coming over. The knocks became more persistent, causing him to huff as he got up to answer his door, ready to yell at whoever was interrupting his night. His eyes widened and jaw dropped when he saw the man standing in front of him.

"Suigetsu," Kiba practically yelled as he stumbled into his arms, burying his face in Suigetsu's chest, leaving the light haired man speechless. "Baby, I've missed you," the brunet slurred, obviously drunk as he used Suigetsu for support. His eyes were red and his hair and clothing were a mess, a clear sign the man had been heavily drinking that night.

"Don't call me baby," Suigetsu said weakly, as he pushed the man away. He thought about slamming the door in his face but he could tell Kiba was far too drunk to leave on his own. He told himself that he shouldn't care about the other man, but a part of him did and that part worried too much about him to leave him alone. "Come in, I'll call Naruto to come get you," he tried not to look into the other man's eyes as the brunet stumbled through his door.

"No, don't call Naruto," Kiba whined as he once again started clinging to Suigetsu. "I want you," he tried to pull him close but Suigetsu stopped him and guided him to his couch to force him to sit down.

Suigetsu shook his head as he looked down at the other man, "You're drunk. You don't want me." Not only was he reminding Kiba that the man had made it clear he wasn't what he wanted, he was reminding himself not to fall into that trap, especially when the other man already had someone else. "Why aren't you with Aimi?"

"I don't want Aimi," he huffed as he grabbed Suigetsu's hand, trying to pull him closer. "I was stupid to break up with you for her," he told him. Suigetsu continually reminded himself that it was just the alcohol talking, Kiba wouldn't feel that way once he sobered up. "I fucked up when I listened to everyone else and broke up with you for her," he tried to pull Suigetsu into his lap, but the other man merely pulled his hand away. "You know, Naruto told me that I was going to regret it. Don't tell him, but he was right. I regret my choice every day and I'm just with her to make my parents happy. I'm not happy. I don't actually love her. I love you," he grabbed for Suigetsu once again, but the light haired man stepped away.

"You need water," Suigetsu responded, not wanting to hear what Kiba was saying. It was easier to accept that they weren't together when he believed that Kiba really didn't want him. Hearing Kiba say that he regrets it and that he loves him made his heart ache with a mix of sadness and want for what he couldn't have come the morning. In the morning he probably wouldn't even remember what he had said and if he did then he would probably pretend it never happened. He'd go back to his life and Suigetsu would be left broken again.

Suigetsu made his way to the kitchen, filling a glass of water for Kiba as he tried to ignore the pain in his chest. He could tell that the other man was still talking, but he tried to drown him out and collect his thoughts. He stared at the cup he had just filled for Kiba, but couldn't bring himself to take it to the brunet. He was scared that if he went back over to him then he might give in. He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard Kiba stumble towards him. "Suigetsu, please baby," Kiba plead as he got to Suigetsu, pulling him into his arms. "I need you," he snuggled into Suigetsu's neck, kissing him on the neck.

Lights Out Trilogy One Shots (NaruSasu)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें