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"Dad, I'm going over to watch Candace's younger brothers!" I called over my shoulder to my father, Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz. "Okay, see you later!" He replied, trying to inconspicuously wheel one of his inventions over to the balcony.

When I got to Candace's house, the first thing I noticed was something that looked like something you'd find in a circus or something. I went to the gate to the backyard to get a closer look, but I still couldn't tell what the device was, so I opened the gate and stepped into the backyard. "What is that...?" I wondered aloud, and one of Candace's brothers, Phineas, dropped down beside me. "That would be the latest invention that my brother Ferb and I came up with this morning. It's an escape room that has endless surprises inside," Phineas explained. "Impressive. It looks good," I said. "Thanks. Ferb's just putting the finishing touches on it before our friends get here," Phineas said. "Neat. Do you mind if I try it out with you and your friends?" I asked him. "Be my guest. In fact, they're here now," Phineas said. "Hey Phineas. Whatcha doing?" One of his friends asked. "Making an escape room. By the way, this is Vanessa. She's in charge until Candace or my parents get home, I suppose," Phineas said, then introduced me to his friends as Ferb appeared next to him. "That is a pretty big escape room," Baljeet said. "Go big or go home, I guess," I commented. "It's like you just read my mind," Phineas said, and we all gathered at the top of the escape room.


Meanwhile, back at Doofenshmirtz's apartment, Heinz was busy explaining how his latest invention, the De-Age-Inator, worked to his nemesis, Perry the Platypus. "See, I can set this to, say, thirteen years old, press this button, and voila! Whoever it's pointing at will become a thirteen year old," Heinz explained. What he didn't realize was that he had actually pressed the button to activate the device, which was aimed at a particular suburban home...


I was just about to climb inside the escape room with the others when I was briefly stopped in my tracks. I shook it off and climbed inside. "Hey Vanessa, why do your clothes look really baggy all of a sudden?" Phineas asked me, and I looked down to discover that my clothes were baggy for some reason. I rolled up my sleeves and pant legs before we continued our adventure.


When I got back to Dad's apartment, I looked in a mirror and screamed. "What's wrong, pumpkin?" Dad asked, coming up next to me. "I look like I'm thirteen! My clothes don't fit me anymore!" I yelled. "I think I still have some of your old outfits somewhere," Dad said, looking at me. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Who knew they would actually have a purpose again," I said. "No kidding, right?" Dad asked. I went and picked out an outfit for the next day, then got a pair of pajamas before I took a shower and went to bed for the night.

The next morning, I woke up and remembered the events of the past 24 hours, and surprisingly discovered that I wasn't upset with Dad for turning me into a thirteen year old girl again. I almost felt... glad. I mean, ever since that day three years ago when Ferb bumped into me at the blueprint place, I've always thought of him as being kinda cute. I left my bedroom and found something that I wasn't expecting: Ferb and my dad were sitting at a table, talking about something. Ferb kept making these weird gestures, like he was trying to show something getting taller, while Dad just sat there nodding intermittently. "Ferb? What're you doing here?" I asked, alerting both of them that I was there. "Oh, I didn't realize that you were up, sweetie. Blerb and I were just talking about you," Dad said. "Dad, his name's Ferb," I said, hitting my face with my hand. "Honey, you know that I'm not all that great with names," Dad said. "Yeah, I know. Anyway, I was thinking that I had probably better tell Candace about me being thirteen again," I said. "That makes sense, I think," Dad said. Ferb stood up at that point, looking at me with his usual wide-eyed expression. I found myself at a loss for words when our eyes met, and then Ferb was gone. I called Candace and explained what had happened to me the previous day, leaving out the part about the giant escape room. She was surprisingly understanding about the whole thing and even offered me a ride to her house, which I accepted, since I couldn't exactly drive anymore. She also asked me if I knew where Ferb had gone, since he was gone before everyone else got up. "Yeah, he was just hanging out with my dad for a bit," I told her. "Thank goodness. At least he's safe," she replied, which wouldn't exactly be the way that I would describe being with my dad, a fact that I didn't mention to her.

When she arrived to pick me up, Ferb came with me, and we rode in the back seat of the car together. The rest of the day flew by so fast that I didn't really notice it. I did remember that Ferb, Phineas, and the rest of the gang built a race course for some hoverboards that they had built in the garage on a rainy day about a week ago. Ferb helped me onto one of the hoverboards so I didn't hurt myself, and I found it pretty sweet that he cared about me that much. We did a few races before the track mysteriously disappeared, and I was surprised when Phineas said that I could keep the hoverboard I rode. I rode it home, passing Candace at one point, and we waved at each other. When I got home, I found Dad covered in ash and soot, presumably the result of one of his Inators exploding... again. I went to my room, just in time to see a flash of green disappear over the balcony, then I looked at my bed to find a single red rose resting upon my pillow. I went to Dad's kitchen, grabbed a glass and filled it with water, then brought it to my room. I stuck the rose in the glass and set it beside my bed, then proceeded with my evening routine.


Hey. This is a bit of a different story compared to some of the other ones that I've written in the past. Strangely enough, the idea for this story just sort of popped into my mind, but I hope you enjoy reading it. Until next time!

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