Chapter 27 - We Beat The Shit Out Of Goldie

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Authors note: I got 4 votes husky 1 vote bunny. So husky it is then :). I gots to find a pic of this husky. Can't find a pic of the husky. I need help, if you send me a pic, hand drawn, Photoshop, graphic stuff, of the husky and I like it I'll put it in the story and give you a shout out! Thanks! (I gots no artistic ability) if you don't feel like messaging me on wattpad then my kik is forevera12!

You walked shakily towards the husky with the yellow bows on its ears. Goldie came over and stood behind you, beginning to force your legs into the suit. You couldn't make a sound and you were loosing consciousness. You could feel the bones in your legs being ripped to shreds as the crossbeams and wires dug into your skin. (Fun stuff) Your vision went black, and before you fully let the cold blackness take over you thought you heard Bonnie's panicked voice.


You hear muffled voices, you can't tell who is speaking but you can understand bits and pieces of their words.

"Should we stuff her?"

"I don't know...(muffled stuff u can't understand)...could kill her"

"Then she will be stuck...(more stuff)...take that chance?"

"I HATE YOU GOLDIE!!!!" (Hahaha wonder who said that)

"She asked...(muffled)'d torture...(stuff)...tried to turn back...(you know what just assume that when I put the dots it's muffled)... Wouldn't let her...You can't... Forever..."

You fell back into the icy cold blackness.


You woke up again and could finally open your eyes, you saw Bonnie yelling at Goldie on the other side of the room, and kneeling close to you were Poppy and Foxy, each holding a paw. Wait! Did you see that right? A paw? Was it yours? You blinked again. You saw it right, pulling your paws out of Poppy and Foxy's hands, (they are human rite now) you pushed yourself up to a sitting position and looked around. Freddy and Chica were behind you, by the stairs arguing, you guessed it was about you leaving again.

Poppy smiled, "you're awake."

"Yeah," you said, "what the hell happened?"

"Well lass," foxy scratched the back of his neck, "we ran down to this here room while you was just going limp, from being stuffed. Then-"

He was interrupted by Poppy, "Hey! You said that I got to talk to her!"

"Ok lass," foxy chuckled, "yer cap'n fer now"

"So like Foxy said, you passed out as we came down the stairs, We all beat the shit out of Goldie somehow and he's tied up over there," she gestured to where Bonnie and Goldie were, "by then you were barely breathing and even if we took you to the hospital and you lived, we would have to explain what happened, and you would probably have lost your legs. So we stuffed you. How are you feeling? Goldie was in your head."

You looked down, "I just feel really guilty, this is all my fault! If it weren't for me, you would be human, bonnie wouldn't have been betrayed, Foxy, Freddy, and Chica wouldn't be bending over backwards to take care of me...and ...and ...(these dots are pauses not muffled words)," you burst into tears before you could finish

Poppy took your paws in her hands, "but if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have five of the best friends in the world, and the cutest crush that I wish wasn't just a friend, your boss probably would have hurt more people, I wouldn't be an animatronic with this fabulous green hair, Bonnie, Freddy, Foxy, and Chica would have never left the pizzeria and would have probably killed a lot of night guards. also it isn't your fault that Goldie was inside your head."

You didn't feel much better, but something Poppy said caught your attention, "you have a crush on someone!!! Who is it!!!"

Poppy laughed, "not important right now."

Foxy looked weirdly at Poppy. Then he calls Bonnie over. Bonnie looks relieved and doesn't seem angry with you. He kneels down at your side and holds your paw in his hands and looks into your now icy blue eyes.

Bonnie speaks first, "Y/n?"

"I'm ok," you smiled the best you could in the metal suit, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he smiled at you, "Goldie was in your head, just please don't leave me again,"

THE END (hahaha lol jk no not the end just a good place to end the chapter)



Please don't leave me. Fnaf Bonnie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now