Chapter Nine

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Ryan rested on his bed and Miss Aldridge knocked on the door. Ryan opened it and she winced at the sight of his face.

"Ryan, fighting's not the answer." She crossed her arms. "Promise me you'll walk away next time."

Ryan nodded and closed the door.


Grace wore red lipstick and a tight skirt the next morning and Mr. Ross dropped her off at school tensely.

"Eyes on a boy at school. I can feel it," he said. "I learned a lot about women when I was young."

"Like what?" asked Ryan.

"They love professional musicians and men that sing good."

"Tell me more, Dad."

"When you get older."


Ryan walked into Homeroom, feeling everyone's stares burning his cheek. He looked at Shantel. She read a large card at her desk.

Someone left an orange envelope on his desk and he pulled out a Halloween party, invitation inside it with a haunted-house graphic on the front. Jessica Mui wrote her address on it and signed, "Hope to see you there."

Ryan thought about it.

Troy sat there miserably, ignoring the stares. His swollen chin healed a little, but his face looked red. He held the invitation in his hand. The bell rang and Chase staggered in with a puffy lip.

"Chase, I understand you're still recovering, but try to make it on time," said Mr. Connelly.

Chase sat down roughly and grabbed the orange envelope off his desk and stuck it in his notebook. He looked over at Ryan.


Science Lab began. Troy sat near Chase at a work table irately and Chase limped to Mrs. Mendoza. He whispered something to her and stood there.

"Pablo," she said. "Please switch seats with Chase."

Pablo frowned like an infant sitting at a table with Ryan. He glanced at Ryan disappointedly and Troy eyed him sorely as Pablo got up.

"Hi, new, lab partner," said Chase, sitting next to Ryan awkwardly. "My neighbor, Agnes gave me a ride to school today. I really appreciated you asking your dad to give me a ride yesterday."

"And you asked to sit here?" said Ryan, opening the blood-type, test kit. "I'm not that good at Science."

"I am," he said with a grin.

Chase pricked Ryan's index finger with a tiny lancer and Ryan flinched a little. Chase pinched his finger firmly, squeezing three drops of blood into three separate, test containers. Then he held a cotton ball on the wound for a while, covering it with a bandaid.

"I'm a Science Lab master," said Chase.

"Have you done anything about the entities on you?" asked Ryan.

"Entities? You said Sloan only saw one."

"Well, I saw a snirver and it's still there," said Ryan.

"Okay," said Chase with a sigh.

"Make an appointment with a counselor," said Ryan.

"Then what?"

"Sit with your mom or dad and get help."

"I'll think about it."

"I hope so."

"Oh. I took the questionnaire," said Chase. "I'm not an angelkin."

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