Chapter Seventeen

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Mr. Ross chomped on a cheeseburger slider. "I don't want to say his name here. But he manages Fhur Room now."

"How do you know that?"

"Your old man used to live in 'L' 'A'. I know a lot of people."

Aaron talked to Shawn on stage and Dillion sat with Grace, drinking a beer. Rob, Keith and Jamie stood at the bar, drinking shots, each with a cute girl by their sides.

Shawn played "Zoom Shine" by J.J. Gooding, shifting the record on the turntable.

Mr. Ross ate a cupcake hungrily, smearing vanilla frosting on his face.

The older man in the black suit whispered something to Ray Loftstead and walked backstage. Ray approached the table.

"Ray Loftstead, nice to meet you," he said, shaking Mr. Ross' hand. "I manage new talent and this is?"

"This is my son, Ryan."

"Your son . . . interesting. Does he sing?"

"Not yet, but I'm going to train him."

"Fabulous. When he's ready, have him sing for me. I love new singers. Nice to meet you, Ryan."

Ryan smiled nervously and Ray left, going backstage.

"See, your old man's a lucky charm."

"Dad, I don't like that man."

"Hmm, okay," he said.


Ryan dozed off in his hand and Mr. Ross drank a cup of coffee, nibbling a sugar cookie.


Shawn and Grace carried the DJ equipment into the back of a white van parked in the gated lot outside.

"Thanks, Shawn," said Mr. Osgood. "You did great. Aaron will call you." He handed Shawn a check.


Shawn drove on the freeway and Grace slept on his shoulder.

Mr. Ross sat in the back with Ryan.

"Can you tell me the man's name now?" asked Ryan.

"Devon Levine."

"Why did you want to wait to tell me?"

"He's got a bad rep and I don't like him."

"He was talking to Ray."

"I know, but I wanted to make you a star."


Ryan turned the light off in his room and scanned it. Then he fell asleep.


Miss Aldridge made French toast and sausages and covered the plates with plastic wrap on the kitchen table. Ryan walked in the kitchen, wearing blue pajamas.

"Ryan, the bus will be here soon. I got 'a go. I made breakfast." She kissed him on the cheek and headed out.

Ryan ate breakfast next to Grace sadly and then he let it all out.


"You think the ex-manager of Dar Tenian sent you a mimlock?" asked Grace.

"Ray came to see me after he talked to him."

"Why would Devon Levine want to kill you?"

"I don't know. Dad knows him."


"Maybe he wants revenge for some reason."

"I don't know about that," said Grace.


Sing Today Die TomorrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora