Chapter Thirty Seven

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LPS Redemption - Sol System, 13 January 2042

The Retribution had beaten the Transport to the Sol System, it had just arrived in lunar orbit on the dark side of the moon.

Brian was in the conference room with the First Officer and his three Apprentices.

"Munen, access my service records, cross reference any of the people I've served with including allied nations with death records. Identify anyone that is still alive and has retired, include any of their known contacts with intelligence backgrounds who are also retired."

"Search complete, list available on your command bracelet."

Brian sent the information from his command bracelet to the display in the conference room, he worked through the list removing names. The AI had literally included everyone, including those such as his instructors during training and clerks at the various units he'd worked with. The list provided gave a comment on their assignment and how they related to Brian, most of listed names weren't going to be helpful to his cause.

"Munen, refine search following my adjustment to my direct contacts for the associates of the listed people."


The list of names shrank significantly.

"Munen, for my direct contacts I need to arrange a meeting with them. I need the meeting to go unnoticed by anyone, if that requires I meet with them in several groups. I need any communication sent to them to be untraceable, what options are available."

"I can communicate with the listed individuals using mixed methods, direct voice or message to their personal communication devices, email or written. For those that respond I can have them at your property within a specified time. The drop ships cannot be detected by current scanning systems on the planet."

"The land I owned is still unoccupied?"

"Yes, I have created enough electronic activity as not to raise suspicion. I have also used your available funds to increase what was available without raising any kind of suspicion. You have invested in some companies that will release technology over the next 20 Earth years that will make you extremely wealthy on the surface.
The electronic activity I have created has also been tailored to avoid this, to anyone investigating you would appear quietly concerned over the environmental and are making steps towards raising awareness.
Coincidentally the technology released is designed as you suggested to help reduce or repair the damage to the environment your race has caused.
You now have free power as part of a contract you agreed upon to allow wind turbines to be placed on your land.
I have edited security footage and electronic records to suggest you purchase goods at various places in the local area, though have bought seeds and supplies to suggest you are going to set up your own agricultural enterprise.
It is recommended you place a construction bot on the surface to allow me to develop this cover for you."

"Thank you Munen you have done better than anticipated, please send out a message requesting that they visit my at my Lodge in five days time and arrange transport for them. Adjust the reasons behind the meetings where possible, for the ex British Service personnel advertise it as a reunion. I'll have other tasks for you later."


"First Officer, whilst I'm down on planet you take command. When the other ships arrive have them rendezvous with you here, might as well use the time, conduct whatever training you can."

"I will be going alone, while I'm on the planet continue with your assigned duties as you have been. Questions anyone?"

There were none, the group dispersed and Brian went to pack a few items from his room. Once he was done he made his way to the shuttle bay.

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