Chapter Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

"If you can provide me with the locations of the other Stations I will have my patrols check in with them sporadically. It's not much but it is all I can offer at the moment Director."

"That would be very much appreciated Lord, I am overwhelmed by your generosity. I wish there was some way I could repay you, unfortunately we are not in a position to do so."

"Lord Protector, excuse my interruption, Director I may be able to help you help yourself if you are willing."

"Director, allow me to introduce Tal'oum Co-Leader of House Shining Horizon and my Ward."

"Honoured to meet you Lady, what help do you speak of?"

"My house has a number of freighters sat idle including six Corvette escort warships, I would be willing to loan you these assets to help you move supplies. I am also willing to loan you some engineers to help reassess your defences. There is a condition to the support offered thought Director. The profits made with the support I provide must be used to upgrade the defences of your stations and the eventual purchase of your own escorts."

"Lady, I don't know what to say! I would love to be able to accept but I must talk to our guild council to be able to agree. I suspect they will approve but I hope you understand the need to include them in this decision?"

"My guardian has shown taught me many things Director, we all work towards a common goal. Your stability brings stability to this area of space which in turn brings stability to my own House. Talk to your council and I will have my assets prepare to support you."

"Thank you Lady, I will have an answer for you in the next few hours. Lord Protector, my communication equipment is still being repaired, would you allow me to use your ship to speak with the guild council?"

"Of course Director, there is an office next door, it is at your disposal. There will be a Guard outside the hatch if you require anything."

The station Director left through the hatch to the office leaving Brian and his three Apprentices alone in the conference room. He had given them a break from their assignments to allow them to observe the meeting to see what they could learn.

"Apologies Lord, I know your instructions were to observe but the efforts of this guild provide an essential stabilising effect to this region. If they were to fail then the effect would be widely felt."

"It's ok Tal'oum, while you deviated from your instruction your input was valuable. It will impact your House profits though, though your Corvettes are available you could easily find paying contracts for your Freighters."

"True Lord but someone I respect very much said it best together we stand."

The comment took Brian aback, he paused a moment to process it.

"Tal'oum, your selflessness is commendable, I'm proud of you."

She bowed her head in acknowledgment of the praise without further comment.

"So, you've all seen the reports of what we've already come across and seen what we've faced in system. What are your thoughts?"

"The pirates appear to be getting more organised, their ability to work together is surprising."

"Agreed Ake'bao, anyone else?"

"The number of vessels we've encountered has been significant as well as the classes, though they aren't in prime condition they still represent a threat to most in this area of space. Even with the number of ships we've captured or destroyed there doesn't seem to have impacted their operations. There has to be a significant support network somewhere."

"Very astute Shi'lahn, any more?"

"Despite what information we've collected we still seem to know too little."

"Not exactly Tal'oum, or rather I don't think it's a lack of information that's the problem. Our AIs can process vast amounts of information but they appear to lack the creativity required to intuitively link things together. I think we need help working out the bigger picture."

"Agreed Lord, possibly the Great Lord might know of someone capable of this type of work. It is not often needed in our society."

"No Ake'bao we're not going to see the Great Lord, not yet."

"Then where Lord?"

"We're going to see the Lord Protectors home planet Ake'bao, we're going to Earth."

Brian could help but smile at Tal'oum, she was perhaps the sharpest of his three Apprentices and she was spot on in Brians next planned move.

"Ops, signal home base. Have the Transport divert and meet us in the Sol System once she's finished with refit." Brian ordered through his command bracelet, recovering an affirmative response almost immediately.

"A transport Lord? How many humans do you intend to recruit?"

"It's not just the number intend to recruit Shi'lahn, the Transport has a command centre designed to support ongoing operations which would allow them to start work immediately."

"Because you said to divert the Transport Lord, you think they will be able to help when we arrive to support Kad'lim?"

"You're catching on Ake'bao, yes I believe the pirates are linked somehow to what's going on with the situation there."

The door to the office opened and the Director joined the group once more in the conference room and took his seat.

"The council required little time to make their decision Lady, we accept your offer of support."

"Then if you can tell me where you require them Director, I will have the ships deployed immediately."

"Of course Lady, I will make sure you have that information within the hour. Can I do anything else for you Lord Protector?"

"No Director, you've been most helpful. From the estimates I've seen on the repairs my people will be finished tomorrow, we'll remain here until then. If you'll accept the support I'll leave my people supporting you here until you can replace those lost?"

"That would be most appreciated Lord, they are most proficient, even the warriors have been able to assist with repairs. They do you credit."

"That they do Director. They all know how to fight, not just the warriors, if the pirates make another attempt they'll ensure they regret it."

The meeting dispersed and the Apprentices were sent back to their assignments. Brian added supplemental orders to those that had been sent for the Transport. He would need replacements for those he was leaving behind.

Tal'oum also dispatched orders of her own, co-signed by Shi'lahn.

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