Chapter 4: EarthBread

Start from the beginning

:[What Kind of Cookie am I?]

(Waking up, I see your smiling face,)

GingerBrave and his gang take Blank to the Cookie Kingdom. Blank gazed in amazement at the sight.

(But the dream only vanishes away)

The kingdom is populated with many gingerbread cookies of all kinds! As the view of the kingdom's residents shifts to the castle, Princess Cookie bows to the readers while Knight Cookie looks at them suspiciously, forcing the princess to push him aside.

(As the morning sky turns pink)

Despite his lack of flavor or talent, Blank tries his best to fit in. Even trying to learn new things with the help of many cookies living in the kingdom, but to no avail.

Examples include tripping over while delivering sandwiches, getting pummeled by Plum and Peach Cookies (individually, of course), practising ninjitsu with Ninja Cookie (he ends up not throwing far enough, with Ninja facepalming), and getting pranked by Cherry, Pancake, and Gumball Cookies (getting covered in ashes, acorns and gumballs).

(I start my day whispering your name)

Some of them include learning how to skate with Skater Cookie (Blank kept falling off the skateboard after attempting an ollie), playing tennis with Orange Cookie (He gets a tennis ball hitting his face, with Lime Cookie laughing at his misfortune, while Orange, Lemon and Grapefruit winced at the sight), alchemy with Alchemist Cookie (The potion mix exploded at their faces), and sparring with Knight Cookie (also getting pummeled by the knight), many of them having him failing at every single time.

(I know you're somewhere far away, calling me.)

In a library where he was reading with Wizard Cookie, Blank was seen reading a book about ancient history, notably the Dark Flour War. He was reading the part where Dark Enchantress Cookie attempted to invade Vanilla Kingdom with her army of cake monsters.

(I give you my promise: I'll find you!)

However, said kingdom was being protected by the ancient cookie heroes known as the Five. Blank became intrigued by the story as the turning pages began to glow.

(With your name as my guiding star, I will follow the road to you.)

While travelling with the heroes, Blank continues to wonder who he really is.

Then, a Jelly Worm lunged towards Blank, who looked in shock while GingerBrave tried to rescue him.

Then Blank's shocked look turned into bravery as he unsheathed a sword on his back.

{Skip from 1:07 to 3:25}

(I'll never stop searching for you)

Using the sword, he started slicing and dicing any enemy that comes their way, all with the help of his friends and allies from their kingdom.

(Day after day, until we meet again.....)

Scene changed to several where he's shown either interacting with the cookies, or fighting alongside them with the skills he's learnt from his time with them. Like gunslinging with Rye Cookie, playing music with Parfait Cookie, fighting the Durian Pirates with Princess, Knight, Sparkling and Mango Cookies, and blasting magic at enemies with Cream Puff Cookie.

(At times, doubt knocks on my door,

What if you were only a dream....?)

Scene changed back to the forest where GingerBrave and Blank were running through the hordes of cake monsters, with the latter slashing through the horde with his sword. Blank then threw cherry bombs while Ninja Cookie stabbed a monster with his candy cane and a kick. Then Milk Cookie raised his staff to empower both Blank and Purple Yam Cookies with light magic. Blank shot some poison arrows at the cake monsters while Purple Yam smashed them with his mace. Muscle Cookie flexed his arms before repeatedly punching a monster while GingerBrave kept running.

What Kind of Cookie Am I? (Cookie Run: Kingdom; Female Harem X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now