"Do you know how much I got scared earlier, huh? I should've come with you" Engene said. Yes, it's not time for scolding but he can't stop himself letting his feelings out.

"I'm sorry, Engene"

"No, no, no. Don't say sorry, I'm the one who should say that. I shouldn't have let you go alone, I should've come with you"


"I'm sorry, bub" Engene said and leaned down to kiss Jake's forehead. Jake closed his eyes for a moment and opened it again to look at Engene.

"Look at this scratch on the side of your lips.. does it hurt, hon?"

"It doesn't. But my arms hurt, a lot"

"Do you want to drink a pain killer? It would help you"

"N-no.. but I want something"

"What is it?"


"Bub, we can't cuddle right now. I'm afraid I might hurt you" Engene said. Jake pouted, earning a coo from Engene.

"How about kisses? Please?" Jake pleaded. Engene sighed as he nodded.

Engene leaned down, gently placing his lips on Jake's. It's just not a peck. It's an actual kiss. Engene is moving his lips gently and slowly, afraid to hurt Jake. Engene kissed him the most gently and softest way he can.

Jake wanted to hug Engene so bad but he can't move his arms fully. So he just held Engene's nape using his left hand while his right hand is placed on Engene's waist. 

A minute after, the kiss became deeper, and faster. Engene immediately pulled away and stared at Jake, admiring him.

"Let's stop this here. You have to eat"

"But I don't want to"

"Please, bub? Ningning made a soup for you, do you want her to feed you? She'll get upset if you won't eat the soup she made"

"No, I don't want someone to feed me. Unless.. it's you"

"Okay, okay. I'll feed you. Just wait here, I'll get the soup" Engene said. Jake nodded and watched Engene walked out of the bedroom.

After five minutes, Engene came back with a tray in his hand. There's a bowl full of soup, a glass of water and some meds in on the side of the tray.

Engene placed the tray on the side table and sat beside Jake again, facing him. He then held the bowl of soup in his hands and a spoon. He took one spoonful and blew it slightly since it's still hot.

"Here, let's make this quick. You need a rest" Engene said and put the spoon next to Jake's mouth. Jake opened his mouth and took a sip first before taking it all.

Engene just continued to feed Jake. Jake said he can't finish it all so Engene also took sips.

After they ate, Engene gave Jake the meds and the glass of water.

"Tell me if your body is hurting, okay?" Engene said. Jake hummed and nodded.

"You'll sleep with me, right?" Jake asked.

"Yes, if you want to"

"Of course, I do"

"Hmm. I'll just put this back on the kitchen, you can rest now" Engene said. He didn't wait for Jake's response and just went out.

"He ate it all?" Ningning asked when she saw the empty bowl.

"I also ate a little because he keeps on whining and telling me to eat"

"M'kay. You can sleep now too, I'll just wash the dishes"

"What? No. I'll do the dishes, you're the one who cooked so I should wash the dishes"

"No, it's okay. I can see how tired you are, come on, you deserve a rest too"

"Okay, fine" Engene sighed.

"Hmm. Good night, Engene"

"Good night, Ningning. Don't stay up late" Engene reminded and went back inside the room.

"Why are you still awake? I told you to sleep already" Engene said when he saw Jake sitting on the bed.

"I'm waiting for you"

"Okay. Just a minute, I'll brush my teeth"

After Engene brushed his teeth, he turned the lights off expect the lamp on the side table then he laid beside Jake.

As soon as Engene laid down, Jake immediately scooted closer. When Engene was about to protest, Jake spoke up.

"Please, just a cuddle"

"Jaeyun, you'll get hurt"

"I don't care, I want cuddles"

"You're such a baby.. don't blame me if you get hurt" Engene said, sighing as he took Jake in his arms.

Jake wrapped his arm around Engene's waist as he rested his head on the pillow, putting his face on Engene's neck. Engene usually do that to him but tonight, it's the other way around.

Engene felt Jake's lips on his neck. At first, he thought Jake accidentally did that but he kept on doing it over and over again. Placing light kisses on Engene's neck.

"Jaeyun, I told you to sleep already"

"Hmm. You should sleep now too"

"I'll wait for you to sleep first"

"Then I won't sleep"


"You think I didn't noticed how tired you are, huh? Well, think again. I noticed how drained you are, how red and puffy your eyes are" Jake said, making Engene quiet.

"I told you already, I'm feeling okay. Please stop worrying about me and worry about yourself, baby"

"Jake, I can't avoid that.. I saw your situation earlier and it scared me to death, and that's why I look drained.."

"Baby, listen to me. I'm feeling okay right now, especially you're here with me. Don't worry, I'll tell you if something's wrong. But for now, I want you to rest" Jake said. Engene sighed and nodded.

"Good night, bub"

"Good night, my Engene"


Bestfriends But Not Forever • EnJake • #5Where stories live. Discover now