Mr. Choi: Here sign those papers.

The old man throw the papers in front of Taehyung with a smirk. Taehyung froze when he saw what the paper were about.

Tae: Divorce paper?

Mr. Choi: My son already signed it. As you can see, He want half of your property as a settlement in divorce.

The old man said while setting a pen in front of Taehyung. On the other hand Taehyung was in deep thought. There is no way Jin would ask for Divorce at this point. No. Never.

Tae: Never. You forced him to sign this. Like you force him in our marriage.

The old man looked shocked. He really didn't expected his low life son to spill all things in front of Taehyung. In the one year, he had taken a look at his son's married life in secret few times only to be found that there was not a particular marriage relationship between the two. And besides he has insinuate so much fear in Jin all those years, there was no way Jin would ask for help from Taehyung. But guess he was wrong.

Mr. Choi: He told you everything, right? That low life really didn't value his life.

Tae: Yeah. He told me. and I would never sign this. I am loosing my patience choi, tell me where he is?

Taehyung said gritting his teeth's." Just you wait, once Jin is safe and sound with me, I will show you who you were playing games with. "Taehyung thought internally.

Mr. Choi: Tsk. Loverboy. What did you seen that basta*d anyway. He would only bring misfortune wherever he goes.

Now Taehyung lost his patience. The disgrace of father in front of him has now crossed his limit. Taehyung abruptly stand in his seat, making the chair fall back from the force he use.


Mr. Choi: Okay. Okay. Just Don't yell. My ears are sensitive. And I have nothing to do with that low life now. He came to me yesterday. He told me to ask you to sign those papers and went out telling me, he had enough of all this. And going away to leave his life freely.


Mr. Choi: IT's your problem. Believe it or not. I am done with this shit. Show yourself exit.

Tae: YOUUUU..............................................................

Taehyung yelled as he launch himself on the man, started punching and kicking him continuously. There is no way his Jin could do that. No way. Soon the security came inside along with Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin who were frozen in shock seeing how their always calm brother turn into angry demon. Beating the sh*t out of the old man.

(Time skip)

Back at mansion

They all were sitting in the living room of Taehyung mansion. For once Taehyung was glad that his parents went out of city just a day before cause his long distance maternal uncle was seriously ill or something like that. He was thinking how to find Jin. HE was sure that Jin's father must have done something. But he didn't blurt out a single thing even after Taehyung beat the s*hit out of him. He has to use another method to threaten that old man.

Jimin: He is lying. There is no way Jin could do that.

Namjoon: My friend told me, Jin's phone's last location is at Choi's Ent.

Jungkook: That Old man must have done something to Jin. But how could he done that to his own son.

Jungkook said taking Taehyung's attention. Taehyung realize they don't really know anything. They still thought the reason behind Jin's panic attacks and nightmares was because he was traumatized by his brother's death.

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