"Well, I already think of you as part of the family. Esme spoke up with a kind smile on her face, "Yes."

"Carlisle?" Bella asked the Cullen patriarch, who sighed as he stepped forward to address Edward.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Edward asked him painfully, "You know what this means."

"You've chosen not to live without her." Carlisle answered, "Which leaves me no choice. I won't lose my son."

Bella finally looked at Lyra, who's opinion she arguably valued the most, "Lyra?"

"I mean... like Elliot said, it's your life, Bells." Lyra replied, "If you really want to be a vampire then that's up to you."

"I really want to be a vampire." Bella told her honesty.

"Then I vote yes." Bella grinned and rushed over to hug her tightly, thanking her excitedly. "However," Lyra continued, "I don't know why you'd want to give up your mortality for him. He literally has no personality."

Edward looks at her rather offended, "Yes, I do-"

"Having a crush on Debussy isn't a personality trait, Edward." Lyra drawled.

"I do not have a crush on Debussy."

"Sure you don't." Lyra replies sarcastically, causing Edward to huff in annoyance.

Meanwhile, Emmett, Elliot, and Alice are dying of laughter, Jasper is chuckling quietly, Rosalie is nodding in approval, Carlisle and Esme are trying to hide their amused smiles, and Bella is looking at Lyra like she is the most stunning person she had ever seen. Edward did not fail to notice Bella's reaction and finally excused himself to talk to Lyra in private.

"What is going on between you and Bella?" He asked her rather directly.

"She fell in love with me while you were gone." Lyra responded just as directly, leaving Edward fumbling, "She started to move on and it just so happened that it was me that she did so with."

Edward narrowed his eyes at her, "Why you of all people?"

"Well, it was either me or a werewolf, and I'd say that I'm the superior option." Lyra joked with a straight face.


"Jokes aside, we are complete opposites, Edward. When she was dealing with so much pain from you, it only made sense for her to fall for someone completely different." Lyra explained before assuring him once she saw the expression on his face, "Despite whatever she may feel for me, you are still her sun. You are the one she loves most and will do anything for. She just may need a little time to get over the remaining feelings for me."

Lyra turned to make her way towards her car, sending a text to Bella to tell her that she was leaving as the brunette was planning on spending the rest of the night there. But, before she made it to her car, Edward called out, "Did she kiss you?"

Lyra turned to look at him, "Yeah and I kissed her as a way to tell her I loved her, but not in the way she wanted me to."

"And, Emmett was okay with this?"

"He understood my reasoning and he's not nearly as possessive as you so he didn't particularly care to begin with." She smirked at him lightly, "Maybe you should give letting Bella breathe without you hovering a try."


Lyra entered her bedroom to see Emmett waiting for her, sitting on the end of her bed. She moved towards him with a smile and stepped between his legs, gently caressing his face with her left hand, the edge of her sleeve falling to reveal the edge of her tattoo. He gently took her wrist and moved her sleeve more, "When did you get a tattoo?" He asked, looking at the paw prints.

Her Voice ✿ Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now