Chapter 12

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"Lyra!" Eric greeted her as she got out of her car, before she'd even had the chance to close the door behind her. She glanced over to see him waving some sort of flyers in the air with a grin on his face, and all of their friends were with him except for Bella. As she walked over to them, she felt a familiar arm rest around her shoulders, causing her to reach up instinctively and tangle her fingers with his limp hand. She sent Emmett a smile that he returned as she kept walking.

Lyra received a flyer from Eric as soon as she was within arm's reach. She held it up so both she and Emmett could look at it, not noticing the stares from her friends that Emmett was getting merely by being near them. "Monte Carlo?" She read aloud, raising a brow, "That's our prom's theme?"

"Mhmm," Eric answered proudly, "Gambling, tuxedos, and Bond... James Bond." They all laughed at his impression.

Lyra released Emmett's hand and folded up the flyer and handed it to Emmett, who immediately stuck it in a side pocket of her back pack. Lyra and Emmett chatted with her friends, who were quickly warming up to her boyfriend's presence, until they heard Angela exclaim, "Oh. My. God." The couple looked where Angela was, watching Edward walk over to the other side of his Volvo and opening the door for Bella to get out.

"Well, that's new." Lyra muttered, a bit surprised herself.

Bella seemed uncomfortable with all the attention she was getting, leaning over to Edward to tell him softly, "You know, everybody's staring."

"Not that guy." Edward replied, pointing to a student, "No, he just looked." Lyra snorted slightly when she heard that, "I'm breaking all the rules now, anyway, since I'm going to hell." Lyra smirked slightly as Edward wrapped his arm around Bella's shoulders and continued strutting towards the school.

Lyra leaned over to Emmett, asking, "Were we that dramatic?"

Emmett thought for a moment before replying, "More so. We kissed in front of the entire school."

"You right." Lyra replied with a nod.


"We're good, right?" Lyra asked Bella as they washed her truck after school that day, "I mean with the whole me being a banshee/demon thing."

Bella nodded, "Yeah, of course. I mean, I'm dating a vampire. My best friend being a demon isn't that bizarre."


They fell silent as they continued working until they heard a loud clunk. They looked up to see Edward land on top of Bella's truck before jumping into the bed of the truck followed by jumping to the ground. "Could you act human?" Bella questioned somewhat jokingly, "I mean, I've got neighbors."

"I'm gonna take you to my place tomorrow." Edward told her before fixing the dent in the truck, above a tire.

"Thanks." Bella responded before turning to him and asking, "Uh... wait, like with your family?"


"What if they don't like me?"

Lyra snorted before clarifying, "So, you're worried not because you're going to be in a house full of vampires, but because you think they won't approve of you?"

Bella rolled her eyes as Edward and Lyra chuckled slightly at the idea before replying sarcastically, "I'm glad I amuse you two."

Lyra let out a small huff of amusement before patting Bella's shoulder and reassuring her, "Don't worry. They are all really nice once they warm up to you and I'll be there so at least you'll have me."

"But, you weren't invited." Bella states.

Edward chuckled, "Lyra likes to drop in whenever she feels like it."

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