Chapter 3: Meeting a Chakra Lady

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Chapter 3

Minor recap: Hokage gave Kakashi permission to interrogate Yakunan.

*-*-*-* STORY STARTING!! *-*-*-*

"Okay, Yakunan, first question: How old are you?" Kakashi asked. Ironically, that hole on the top of stone was made for a head! Yay! - Note: Sarcasm. Needless to say, my head was in the hole.

'12' I answered with my fingers.

"Okay, my first order: Do not retaliate to what Ibiki and Inoichi are about to do." He gave me a closed eye smile. My eyes widened. What are they about to do?! "Its okay, it wont hurt, maybe." My eyes widened even further.

"Don't scare the kid, Kakashi." 'Inoichi' scolded. He turned to me. "Its okay Yakunan, I won't hurt you, I'm just going to get information from you. It shouldn't hurt, most likely."

I fumbled with my notebook. 'And if it does?!'

"It's okay, it won't." He says reassuringly, but I am still hesitant.

"Are we sure we can't use the physical method?" Ibiki asked, probably still mad at my comment earlier.

"No, Ibiki," Kakashi replied. "She's just a kid, and who knows what she might do if we do use that method. You saw how she threw that paper ball. Imagine if she had a kunai, or something. We don't know what she us capable of just yet." Ibiki scowled but nodded anyway.

"Anyways," Inoichi interrupted. "I am going to begin." Inoichi made handsigns at lightning speed. "Psycho Mind Transmission!" He yelled. He placed a hand on my head as words started to form around me. My eyes widened as the world suddenly went black.
I opened my eyes to the familiar surroundings of a person's brain.

Yakunan's brain looked the same as everyone else's, until I noticed the difference. For her age, her brain should be smaller than this, and probably not hold as much information for a child. This is confusing, but I shook away the thoughts and got to work.

I put my hands on her head, trying to take out the information. Instead of receiving memories, nothing happened. 'What?' I tried again, but once again nothing happened. Something must be wrong...

I forced large amounts of chakra into her mind, then suddenly a large wave of white chakra washed over her mind. 'Genjutsu... Block...?'

"Hello Inoichi," the chakra spoke, with the voice of a woman.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" I asked, glaring at the chakra.

"My name... Is not relevant. As for who I am... That will be announced in due time." The chakra replied with vaguely, completely dodging the question. "For right now, all I want to do is ask a favor."

My eyes narrowed, Yakunan comes into our village-- completely unannounced --, could be a possible threat to us, and this thing IN HER MIND wants to ask a favor?!

"You are right, I am in no position to ask you humans for anything. But heed my warning, journeying through this child's past will be a harsh one, for she has faced many hardships. But, she is no threat to you or your people, if anything she wants safety from he-who-shall-not-be-named (A/N lol, not Voldemort XD). I would recommend putting her in the shinobi program. She will be very valuable ally. Oh, before I leave, I want to give you the memories of her language so that you may communicate easier. Yakunan knows the language, her brother and her made it." The chakra reached out to touch my head and suddenly information and hand signs of a language that Yakunan made, call Sign Language, flooded through my head. "That is all, I must leave now. Goodbye, Inoichi." The chakra swirled away into nothingness, but not before pushing me put of her mind.

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