Chapter 6

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"Alice, you should come see this." Chuck Dodgeson said to his girlfriend as he watched the news reports.

"How many times do I have to tell you that all the news does is make me want to kill this city even more than I already do?" Alice asked as she entered the room.

"Trust me, you're gonna want to see this." Dodgeson said.

"Yeah right, what could be so important that it requires my attention?" Alice asked, only to come to a halt when she saw the paused image on the TV screen containing a picture of her thought to be dead sister, especially since the headline read KATE KANE FOUND ALIVE!

"Start it from the beginning." Alice said and Dodgeson nodded as he started the news report from the beginning.

"This just in, it would appear that this is a week for the return of children thought to be lost at sea. First Oliver Queen and Laurel Lance of Star City were found alive on an island in the North China Sea and now Katherine Kane, better known as Kate Kane, daughter of Crows founder and commanding officer, Jacob Kane, has been found alive in the Mediterranean. The Kane heiress was thought to have died in a plane crash 5 years ago in that area. While the Kane family has yet to release a full statement on the return of their daughter, we can only assume it's joy." the news reporter, Dana Dewitt said.

"They have no idea. I finally have another family member in Gotham I don't want to kill." Alice said.

"Don't you think you should tell our special guest about this?" Dodgeson asked.

"No, because she didn't even know that Kate was thought to be dead, since I've kept her in hibernation. Thank god I found a lab rat who could prefect Freeze's work." Alice said.

"And you're certain that there won't be any side effects to keeping her in there?" Dodgeson asked.

"Do you really think I'd put my own mother in a potentially dangerous device without first putting numerous test subjects through it first. Why do you think Batman thought there was a Mr. Freeze wannabe in Gotham a few months ago." Alice said, since while she might be crazy, she didn't really want to hurt her mother, who'd been there for her when no one else had, just like how she was hoping she didn't want to have to hurt her sister, who she knew had never truly given up on her. Not like her soon to be dead father, who had abandoned her and basically replaced her and her mother with the woman who was responsible for them being abandoned in the first place.

"I never know with you." Dodgeson said.

"Fair enough. But anyways, I'm assuming that daddy dearest is throwing some kind of party to welcome Kate back home." Alice said.

"He is. He and Agent Moore have taken tonight off for a homecoming party at Kane's Penthouse." Dodgeson said and Alice grinned.

"I guess that party will have an extra guest, since if daddy dearest is going to be throwing a homecoming party for his child he thought was dead, might as well, have it for both of them." Alice said with a grin.

"You really think that you can get into Kane's penthouse, despite it's security?" Dodgeson asked.

"I've made it a priority to know how to get in and out of any place I want." Alice said and Dodgeson nodded, since he knew that was true.

"Have fun then." Dodgeson said and Alice grinned as she walked out of their lair.

That night, Kate's homecoming party was taking place at the Kane family penthouse, though the only people who actually lived there were Jacob and Catherine Kane, since Mary had her own apartment that she shared with her girlfriend and honestly, Bruce had already offered Kate a room at his house, which she'd accepted until she could find her own place, since honestly, it would be a lot easier to be Batwoman if she didn't have to worry about sneaking in every night. Plus, she'd honestly been a lot closer to Bruce than she was with her dad and had been ever since the accident.

"Hey, what's going through that head of yours, since you don't seem to be enjoying the party that your dad threw for you." Sophie said to her girlfriend as she walked up to Kate.

"To be fair, the party hasn't actually started yet since Mary isn't here yet." Kate said, since honestly, she was surprised at how long it was taking Mary to show up.

"Still." Sophie said.

"Sorry, I just can't help but think about my family members that aren't here tonight." Kate said, thinking of her mother and Beth and Sophie sighed in understanding.

"At least you still have your dad and Bruce and Mary and Catherine and me." Sophie said.

"And let's pretend I care about everyone you just said." Kate said, since she'd never liked Catherine.

"Come on Kate, I know you never liked your stepmom, but at least you got another sister out of it." Sophie said, since she was well aware of how Kate felt about Catherine.

"True. Even if I didn't always treat Mary like it." Kate said, honestly feeling guilty about that.

"Well, now you can start changing things." Sophie said.

"I hope so." Kate said, right as they heard the elevator doors open and to Kate's surprise, while Mary walked out of the elevator, she had a beautiful dark haired black woman with her.

"Mary, who's this?" Kate asked as she walked up to the duo.

"Kate, this is my girlfriend, Ryan Wilder." Mary said, shocking Kate.

"Did you say girlfriend?" Kate asked, since that was a big change from the old reality.

"Yeah, I'm gay." Mary said.

"And you're the first person she's not dating that she's told that too." Ryan said and Kate smiled.

"I'm honored to be the first person you came out to." Kate said.

"Actually, dad figured it out already and he insisted that I bring Ryan here tonight and the reason we're late is because of how long it took me to convince her to put aside her hatred of the Crows and be here for me tonight." Mary said.

"You hate the Crows." Kate said to Ryan.

"Yeah, is that going to be a problem?" Ryan asked and Kate chuckled.

"On the contrary, I think you and I are going to get along famously." Kate said as she wrapped her arm around Ryan's shoulders and led her away from her girlfriend.

"Not sure if I should be happy they're getting along or concerned that I just lost my girlfriend." Mary said with a chuckle before she headed over to say hello to her parents and Bruce as the party was now able to get started.

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