Crystalline Cup•°

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the crystalline cup,

glittering and sparkling

resting on the shelf
pretty to look at,
a treasure to keep,
a family heirloom that has been 
the topic of conversation for countless dinner parties
the history is well known

the crystalline cup,

shining and glistening

no one is allowed to hold or caress 
its smooth edges
too fragile to use
too easy to break
dare to touch and you shall be scolded
dare to break and you shall be disowned

the crystalline cup,

twinkling and gleaming

she doesn't know about love
nor does she know about purpose
used for only her beauty
used only for her worth
growing old with adoration
growing old without care

the crystalline cup,

blinking and glimmering

dancing circles in the light
trying to shine so bright
flirting with a child down below
flirting with a danger that she hoped
to grab her and tell her a purpose
to grab her to break her free from a longer life

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