chapter ten: shaken up

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HAPPY ILLICIT AFFAIRS DAY!!!!!! Holy cow, you guys didn't waste time, getting IA to 6k in just under a week!!! Have I mentioned before that you guys are awesome?????? 

As you guys know already, there are links at the end of the chapter to get in contact with me and to get better lost in the world of 'IA'! Make sure you guys check those out and make sure you let me know what you think!

I won't keep you long, considering we are about to have dinner with Charlie!! So, let's jump into it! -Dal

You were feeling nervous. Butterflies fluttering around in your tummy, fidgeting with your dress, and chewing on your lip kind of nervous. Thoughts of chickening out definitely crossed your mind but you couldn't bring yourself to do it.

With it being five long years since you went out on a date, you figured you would cut yourself some slack. You were allowed to be nervous, even if you didn't know if this was technically a date.

That topic certainly took interest with you that day. In the morning, you spent some time doing some homework. Well, trying to do some homework. When it was time to give that up, you jumped into the shower and did what you do best. Organize a checklist.

Were you having a date with Charlie?

While you rubbed the shampoo out of your hair, you still found that you were nervous. With butterflies fluttering around your tummy, you figured that was one thing you could cross of your list. After you stepped out with a towel around your body, you headed straight to your closet. It was an easy thing to cross off, pushing for the back of your closet and towards all the dresses you haven't seen in years.

Another thing off of your list was when you made sure your hair looked acceptable, smoothing out all of your fly-aways. Doing your makeup was next, knowing it's been years since you even thought about fixing yourself up like this.

Okay, so it was obvious that you thought of this as a date... but did he think the same thing?

During your adventure towards his place, you tried to focus on anything other than your upcoming dinner with your professor.

As you left your apartment, you focused on the slight breeze in the air, reminding you of the upcoming cooler months. When you took your seat on the bus, you focused on how the setting sun shined bright into your eyes.

You sat by yourself with your headphones in, trying hard to focus on the low beats playing in your ears. Trying to preoccupy yourself and distract from the anxiety, you bounced your leg as you looked over to your bag. You had your phone and a few things you needed to get around but you were starting to wonder about why the hell you brought your book with you...

Before you could figure out the answer, it was time to get off of the bus. As you slid the strap to your bag over your shoulder, you looked around the quiet street. With the street lamps starting to flicker, nighttime was quickly approaching you. That was your motivation to start your journey.

Passing the different driveways on the way, you noted various brick walls littered with graffiti. You held out your finger, tapping a few leaves from the vine-covered fences as you silently counted each one you touched. When a few untrimmed tree branches grazed the top of your head, a small giggle pushed past your lips.

Based on the text you received from Charlie earlier that morning, you had your eye open for his place. After he listed his address he wrote out: Building 30. You'll have to curl around and turn a few corners to reach my front door. See you tonight.

Your heart skipped a beat every time your eyes read the last of his text. See you tonight.

When you reached the building he lived in, you noticed the obvious shift in environments. Before, it was more residential, giving it a feeling you haven't felt in a long time. Just by walking past them, you could tell a lot of memories and laughter were shared there.

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