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Neymar: Famous

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Neymar: Famous

You: Not famous

Relationship: Single

Neymar POV:

Saturday, 27. June 2021. Today is a big game in the barcelona stadium "Camp Nou". My team FC Barcelona is playing against our arch enemy Real Madrid. Everyone takes this game very serious.

As I arrived at the staduim, many fans waited infront of the entrance. I love the fans so I always take time to sign their stuff and take pictures with them.

As I was inside, a reporter approached me and asked me if she can ask me a couple of questions. I was slightly confused because this normally never happens before a game. Usually the reporters wanna ask questions after the game. But I don't wanna be rude so I answered her "Of course"

"Neymar what are your expectations for the game against Real today?"

„Well I hope that everyone plays with 110% today so we can keep the 3 points here. But it surely won't be easy against such a huge opponent like Real Madrid"

"Who do you think has the better chanches to win today?"

„I think both of us are at a very even level so it's hard to answer that question" I answered and chuckeled a bit.

I was waiting for the reporters next question but as I looked past her, I saw a girl walking through. I don't know her but she must be a photographer because she carries a camera in her hand.

I kept looking at her and scraatched my neck for short without breaking my view at her (GIF)

"Are you worried to play against a team that won the championsleague 7 times?" I heard the report ask but all I could answer was "Hold on a second , let me grab her number real quick"

I never took my eyes off that girl while I said that. I left the reporter and approached the girl confidently.


"Hey" I heard a mannly voice saying from my rigth. I turned my head to see who it was.

Obviously I recognized that face immediately. It's Neymar Da Silva Santos Junior.

"Oh my god hey" I answered as I still couldn't believe that Neymar Junior was standing infront of me.

"I saw you walking by and I thought I'm gonna talk to you...I'm Neymar" he said while he stretched his hand out. "

„I know that you're Neymar silly. I'm Y/n" I answered him while I gave him my hand and chuckeled a bit.

„Are you a photographer?" Neymar asked me and took a look at my camera before he looked back up to me.

„Actually yes, since 2 months. Well I mean I'm a photographer since about 3 years but I'm a soccer photographer for this club since 2 months"

"How did I never see you?" Neymar questioned. His green eyes were absolutely maginficant.

"Normally we arrive after you players but today our boss wanted to talk to all photographers before the game" I answered.

Neymar licked over his bottom lip and asked me "Can I get your number?"

"I like his confidence" I thought as I smiled at him. I stretched my hand out, waiting for Neymar to put his phone into my hand.

As he eventually did it, I typed my number in a new contact field, handed him his phone back, winked and left.

Neymar POV:

"Y/N" I read her name again. Beautiful" I thought, put my phone back into my pocket and left to the dressing room because the reporter from earlier left.

Everything was pretty normal, changing, warming up, coach telling us our tactic and then teh game started.

The game ended in a tie 0-0

About 2 hours after the game, I arrived at home. I let my exhausted self fall onto the couch and slept in because I was so tired.

The next morning I woke up at 8:30am. I slowly open my eyes and realised that I must've slept in on the couch.

I stood up and went upstairs for short to change into fresh clothes.

I went downstairs again and went outside to empty my mailbox. I recieved a bill and the newspaper from today.

I went back inside and made myself a coffe. I took my mug and sat down on the table and opened the newspaper.

On page 13 there was the report of yesterdays game. I saw a big photo of me above the article.

"Yesterdays confrontation between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid ended in a goalless 0-0. Although both teams had multiple good chanches to score, none of them succeeded. The players who definetly were in the focus were Lionel Messi (FCB), Cristiano Ronaldo (RM), Marcelo (RM) & Neymar Junior (FCB)"

As I took a closer look at the picture I saw that underneath was written "Photo by: Y/N Y/L/N"

I smiled a bit and immediately noticed that I didn't even text her yesterday because I fell asleep.

I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Y/N.

N: That's a great picture you took of me

Y: Thank you. Seems like my camera likes you

N: Only your camera? ;)

Y: I think your sympathic

N: Oh come on. What do I have to do to make you like me

Y: You gotta take me out for a coffe

N: I'll pick you up at 11am

Y: Sounds great 😊

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